40 yr old female newbie to Anavar


New member
I have about 10 yrs of training under my belt- diet is clean and on 90% of the time. I train hard and feel I have hit a platuea naturally, so I decided on Anavar. I would like to lose another 5 lbs of bodyfat, but also want to look more cut and was wondering if you think Var is the best choice for me? I have read so many conflciting things on it now that my head is spinning. I pretty much like how I look except as I said about 5 lbs of fat left, and would like to not be as soft and have more cuts. Some places have regarded Var as being great for its effects on bodyrecomposition, but then other places say no- it will only help you to be stronger.
My diet as of now is a keto diet and I am eating in a deficit. Is it ok to continue with this or do you suggest adding PWO carbs back in?
any thoughts/suggestions would be great!
Hey Kurlie...
Welcome aboard!!! and congrats on being so dedicated!!

ok.. firstly, you will always hear conflicting views on Anavar (var) because steroids react differently with each and every woman, however there are some effects that can be relied on..
secondly, whatever you read or hear has worked for men; totally and completely disregard!!

Now, as per var.. Me personally, I am a huge fan as everyone already knows :) I feel great on it, my body is hard and my fat is low.. But, I also am NOT on birth control, like yourself, I have been training for over 10 years & have been an athlete all my life, I eat quality protein and lower complex carbs & I lift heavy... so those variables play a part in my success with var..

Var is also the mildest of all Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) for women and one of the safest to use. It will increase your strength.. It will maintain muscle... It WILL increase your appetite, so keto can get challenging... and Anavar (var) has been known (over extended periods of usage and higher dosages to increase bad cholesterol)

as far as body recomposition.. weight lifting is definitely responsible for physical changes and Anavar (var) may contribute as a catalyst, but not as a direct agent. It contributes due to is ability to increase muscle.

Considering your goal is fairly easy to obtain; breaking through a plateau, you may want to consider other options prior to using Anavar (var).

1) If you have been doing the same keto diet for a long time, change it up.. diet could be keeping you at a plateau.. try some carb cycling, are your good fats high enough (flax seed oil etc) the body get used to dieting rather easily so it is good to constantly shock the system..

2) change your training routine.. Do you take enough time OFF??? So many people hit plateaus from over training.. In their head, they think the more I do the more I will get.. however the body doesn't agree with the mind alot of the time and will actually shut down from overtraining in order to recoup from the stress which will then increase the body to release cortisol which will then negate all the good you think you are doing.. I sometimes will take 4 days off, or a week.. when I go back, my body always seems to respond better.

3) Have you considered an otc fat burner or possibly clenbuterol? There are other options besides an aas..

Well, I hope I have give you some food for thought and have helped a bit..
You have alot to consider and I hope your head stops spinning ;)

But if you need help, we are here for you and I hope you keep us posted on what route you take and your results!
