43 and ready for first cycle


New member
Keto-adapted strictly for over 6 months now feeling great. Lost 70 lbs and started weight training again last month.

Was athlete 20 years ago but sedentary professional for past 18+ years. My body is now used to the workouts (4x per week 2 hours each) and I am not too sore anymore.

I weigh 230 now (at 6'2") and am ready to build some mass and tighten up. I appreciate any suggestions that might help maximize success for my first cycle at my age. Thx!

I'm thinking testo ent 12 weeks plus clomid with heavy bcaas and protein on workout days... Thoughts?
Welcome, you lost 70 pounds in 6 months, I must have your diet and training logs.
and you ve only been working out for 1 month and you want to start with AAS?
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Welcome to the forum bro. All I can say (being in my forties myself also weighing 230 @ 6'4") is Diet, Diet, Diet. Look into 3J's nutrition services on here (banner at top of the page) & he'll get you set straight on a good plan.
I would also recommend going to privateMD labs & getting some blood work done to see where your levels are at. As we get older, we tend to start losing the natural test our bodies produce & this will greatly hinder your results if not addressed. I have been on this site countless hours learning more than my head can retain it seems sometimes. It's a great source of info & support.
Good luck!!
Great advice from Rockymt- get bloodwork done while you're still natty.

Great work so far on losing weight. However, if you've only been weight training for a month or so I'd hold off on cycling. You can still make a shit load of progress without gear.
Welcome to the forum bro. All I can say (being in my forties myself also weighing 230 @ 6'4") is Diet, Diet, Diet. Look into 3J's nutrition services on here (banner at top of the page) & he'll get you set straight on a good plan.
I would also recommend going to privateMD labs & getting some blood work done to see where your levels are at. As we get older, we tend to start losing the natural test our bodies produce & this will greatly hinder your results if not addressed. I have been on this site countless hours learning more than my head can retain it seems sometimes. It's a great source of info & support.
Good luck!!
my man, great advice!! if interested in my services feel free to email me at 3jdiet@gmail.com your cycle will vastly improve with proper nutrition.. i also have a free diet advice thread in the diet section!
I would also recommend going to privateMD labs & getting some blood work done to see where your levels are at. As we get older, we tend to start losing the natural test our bodies produce & this will greatly hinder your results if not addressed.

OP , this is the first thing you need to do . go get blood work and see where your natty levels are at right now. this will not only give you a baseline as for as where you need to recover back to after you do PCT , but it also may tell you that your Test is low and you could benefit big time by simply running TRT
OP , this is the first thing you need to do . go get blood work and see where your natty levels are at right now. this will not only give you a baseline as for as where you need to recover back to after you do PCT , but it also may tell you that your Test is low and you could benefit big time by simply running TRT
Great advise given and I must agree. But also want to add that in our 40's our bodies don't react to things quite like they used to. So I can see your desire to want to run aas bro. Just make sure to take the advise given and do it in the proper order so as not to screw up your old ass rickety ass body...lol. Jus joking. For instance, it might be a wise move to workout natty for another year. Get the most natty gains possible and get a solid workout routine put together. Surely u were working out during the 6 months it took u to drop weight right??
Welcome to the board :wavey:

Now slow down big boy. You've just embarked on one of the best forum and with guys of years experience on here. NO more bro-science here my friend so listen to some of us. I really can't add much. I will tell you that you need to get more training time under your belt before you think about pulling the trigger. Much to learn about AAS and the safest way to use it. Also much to learn about your own body, like the BW.

Have you read all the sticky posts we have ? good idea. SO get the blood work read up and ask more Q's when you don't understand.

Good luck and stick with us we like to help :)
Keto-adapted strictly for over 6 months now feeling great. Lost 70 lbs and started weight training again last month.

Was athlete 20 years ago but sedentary professional for past 18+ years. My body is now used to the workouts (4x per week 2 hours each) and I am not too sore anymore.

I weigh 230 now (at 6'2") and am ready to build some mass and tighten up. I appreciate any suggestions that might help maximize success for my first cycle at my age. Thx!

I'm thinking testo ent 12 weeks plus clomid with heavy bcaas and protein on workout days... Thoughts?

lots of good replies to your thread come back and get some.
Welcome to the board :wavey:

Now slow down big boy. You've just embarked on one of the best forum and with guys of years experience on here. NO more bro-science here my friend so listen to some of us. I really can't add much. I will tell you that you need to get more training time under your belt before you think about pulling the trigger. Much to learn about AAS and the safest way to use it. Also much to learn about your own body, like the BW.

Have you read all the sticky posts we have ? good idea. SO get the blood work read up and ask more Q's when you don't understand.

Good luck and stick with us we like to help :)

Agree with old muscle mike. Hit the stickys. This is a great place to start. Even if you think you don't need it. It is always a good refresher.