47 Year Old Newbie Looking for advise


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I'm in good shape but looking to add some muscle while shedding fat. I'm not into bodybuilding but working for a lean athletic build. My weekly workouts consist of Crossfit 3-4 times with 2 strength workouts thrown in. My natural Test is low with the last count at 180 and I have been advised to take 200mg of Test Prop once a week but was hoping I could find someone here that has been successful with the same goals I have. Thanks in Advance!
If your test is that low than you're hypogonadal. Go to a doctor, get a full hormone panel and go on TRT. Don't mess around on your own until you have a full picture of what's happening in your body.
To the OP,
When you say, you have been advised to take 200mg a week...who did the advising? There are some hormone docs that recommend this (albeit high dose) for hormone replacement therapy.

With that mind...are you asking your question in reference to taking anabolics to gain muscle/leanness or getting on hormone replacement therapy to increase testosterone and help with related problems from low testosterone?

Huge difference, so, be sure to give a lot of details, weight, estimated body fat and goals.
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Researcher and GainJ are both spot on brother.
Blood s show 180 ? 220 is my lab s low end.
200 prop 1 a week WAS NOT advised by a doc presumably eh ? I say this as Prop should be administered every other or every 3 day at the most due to it s half life being short.
An endo or a GP (or my 10 yr old) would say 125 a week of c or e or 200 every 2 week s of the longer estered test whose name escape s me Undec...???
The above 125-150 of cypionate 1 a week has my my level s at 700- 850 ish ; the fact I prefer 1500 plus is neither here nor there I just tank my level s for a draw then pin away .
Anyhoo - I too am trying to maintain the fitness gay porn star look and at 53 ish it s easier with 2000 ish but I do not recommend it until u know where you fall.

Self admin is a crap shoot. Playing Russian roulette with your hpta s not cool . Be smart and get rx a reasonable protocol and then pin away.
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