49 years old-New Picture


New member
New picture taken in Vegas on 4-16-09. I hope to compete in June 2010 for the 1st time. Let me know the areas I need to improve on.
How have you been a member for 6 yrs. with 1 post. If the dude in the pic is 40 something good stuff little more mass and ill be impressed
Your ? what can I improve on. Well tighen up the waist and thicken the lats out. Legs are where it's at though so bulk em up show your legs in the next pic. It's all about legs dog their the biggest bodypart.
Your ? what can I improve on. Well tighen up the waist and thicken the lats out. Legs are where it's at though so bulk em up show your legs in the next pic. It's all about legs dog their the biggest bodypart.

X2, looking amazing old man!! LOL
Good pic! You need to show some pics of you flexing because it is hard to see muscle groups in that pic. I can't really tell what you need to work on but it looks like you need to tighten up the waist.
1. WTF a member 6 years and you start of with that:D

2. Looking good, really inspiring to look like that at your age, WELL DONE!

3. Legs and shoulders!

4. Dont be shy and wait another 6years to post;)
Damn good at 49! Are you on HGH or steroids? Anytime I see an upper body pic only, then I am inclined to suspect legs are the weak link.