4th Week on 500mg a week of Test E and all I have noticed is some shrinkage...


New member
title says it all. No strength or size yet, and the only side I have noticed is a little bit of testicular atrophy. This is my first cycle so I don't really know how I react to AAS yet. Anyone ever have a similar experience to this?
title says it all. No strength or size yet, and the only side I have noticed is a little bit of testicular atrophy. This is my first cycle so I don't really know how I react to AAS yet. Anyone ever have a similar experience to this?

Test take about 4-5 weeks to kick in.

At least you know ur gear is good if your balls are getting small(or your hands are getting larger).

Test take about 4-5 weeks to kick in.

At least you know ur gear is good if your balls are getting small(or your hands are getting larger).


I'm taking 12.5 aromasin eod, and I have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on hand for before post cycle therapy (pct), but if they shrink to much I will pick up some more and run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during the rest of my cycle
um i could feel the test at week 3. full effect by week 5-6. strength gains didnt come till after week 4 but i was still able to make some gains in the beginning just more so later in the cycle.

take the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) the entire cycle. why not keep your balls full size the entire time then pct instead of letting them atrophy then trying to play catch up?
be patinet and by the way im betting your shrinkage is in your head , its to early for that as well.
Why don't you run the aromisin if you begin to get sides? It could be slightly hindering your gains man.
I'm running a very similair cycle but 600mg of a test blend with aromisin on hand..going on 5th week and trying to keep my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) out as long as possible because as for strength and size bloat is good. Someone with more experience might be able to chime in and add to what in saying.
I'm on week three of Test E and EQ. The HCG keeps all that stuff in check. No shrinkage at all. And gear is verified by pharmacy