5 days in up 5 lbs???


New member
5 days into my cycle up 5 pounds test 500/mg week This seems a little strange to me but what other explanation could there be?
jb160 said:
I didn't think water weight would set in that fast

I'm actually glad you brought this up, since it takes me back to the days when I actually came off-ycle. When I did though:D, and was ready to start in with a new cycle of TEST, the caveot as to wether it was fake or not, was wether I'd see an IMMEDIATE(like w/in 2-3 days) gain in weight. About 8 pounds would be right, for me at the time. So yes, WITH TEST, the water-weight will set in rather quickly.
SkedMedz said:
I'm actually glad you brought this up, since it takes me back to the days when I actually came off-ycle. When I did though:D, and was ready to start in with a new cycle of TEST, the caveot as to wether it was fake or not, was wether I'd see an IMMEDIATE(like w/in 2-3 days) gain in weight. About 8 pounds would be right, for me at the time. So yes, WITH TEST, the water-weight will set in rather quickly.

Well cool then at least I know its real LOL
SkedMedz said:
I'm actually glad you brought this up, since it takes me back to the days when I actually came off-ycle. When I did though:D, and was ready to start in with a new cycle of TEST, the caveot as to wether it was fake or not, was wether I'd see an IMMEDIATE(like w/in 2-3 days) gain in weight. About 8 pounds would be right, for me at the time. So yes, WITH TEST, the water-weight will set in rather quickly.

are there any long-term sides or draw-backs to never coming off cycle (besides cost?) How do you maintain your health never coming off? my bp rockets while on and continues to rise till well after post cycle.
just curious for your insight on this
copracor said:
are there any long-term sides or draw-backs to never coming off cycle (besides cost?) How do you maintain your health never coming off? my bp rockets while on and continues to rise till well after post cycle.
just curious for your insight on this

1. Not as far as I'm concerned, but guys here will surely argue different. I'm on low-dose Test most of the time(500/week now), so it's no different than being on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Just a little higher dose perhaps. Big deal.

2. Ummm, by lifting, and staying away from Mcdonalds.

I should say that I've never had any examinations to see if there have been any long-term effects. Reason being is simple: I don't think that taking hormones that are synthetic, yes, but do NATURALLY EXIST in your body already, to be any worse for a person, then drinking a Pepsi, or an iced tea with a sachrine sweetener. I mean that too. I dont think that Steroids are bad for you if you know what is what, as far as health risks. Period.
SkedMedz said:
1. Not as far as I'm concerned, but guys here will surely argue different. I'm on low-dose Test most of the time(500/week now), so it's no different than being on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Just a little higher dose perhaps. Big deal.

2. Ummm, by lifting, and staying away from Mcdonalds.

I should say that I've never had any examinations to see if there have been any long-term effects. Reason being is simple: I don't think that taking hormones that are synthetic, yes, but do NATURALLY EXIST in your body already, to be any worse for a person, then drinking a Pepsi, or an iced tea with a sachrine sweetener. I mean that too. I dont think that Steroids are bad for you if you know what is what, as far as health risks. Period.

AMEN brotha!!!