5 Things You Didn`t Know About Me

Miss Muscle

New member
List 5 things we don`t know about you.

1. I do not know how to blow a bubble with bubble gum.

2. I didn`t eat my first fast food hamburger till the age of 22.

3. I still sleep with my Teddy Bears and kiss them good night.

4. I have no problem with polygamy and if my boyfriend ever seriously wanted to have more than one wife I would allow it as long as I liked her.

5. I have a fetish for Asian guys.
5 things

1 im a lesbian trapped in a mans body

2 if i didnt trim my body hair i would
look like bigfoot.

3 im looking for some women who
wont mind if i have multiple wives

4 i love playing poker and i stink at

5 im a lesbian trapped in a mans body
1. cant ride a bike.
2. didnt know professional bodybuilders took roids untill i watched bigger stronger faster last summer.
3. i have a fetish for females with muscles....not the ones with she hulk muscles.
4. i need a gym rat gurl.
5. i sleep with my tv on. damn does scary ass movies i watched when i was 5, they leave you scarred, not scare scarred as a healed cut.
1) My wyfe send me sexy pix of her and his friend... just to make me insane! ( when i'm on foreigners countrys)

2) i got an nervous erection at a job interview... it was visible... i got the job.

3) i vomit on the shoes of Paul Dillet in 1994 At the FIBO… sorry Paul!

4) i've been pierced by pellets two times. 2002-2006

5) in the real life, i'm a shy guy...
thanx 1badmofo. i will turn normaly on first day of november. hard times