500 Test E/ 600 EQ/ Superdrol


New member
My first post on here!

Idk my bf% I'm lean though.
1st cycle was 500 test-wk
With a superdrol kicker..
Loved it great cycle.

2nd cycle was 300 test e and 300 tren e with 6 weeks of winstrol at 50 mg/day
I fucked it up somehow lol my joints all hurt, i couldn't breathe well with Tren and sleeping was impossible, had to sleep on a towel a few times... but honestly in the end I felt bigger and better than ever, tren does the work but it drags you behind it... also, not much appetite with it.

Current cycle-
16 weeks of 500 test-e/wk and
600 mg of EQ/wk
Superdrol 4 week kicker
For all my cycles I take
arimidex .5mg EOD
Nolvadex 10mg ED
HCG 500IU a week

And PCT with Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
And Aromasin 12.5 mg ED

Blood work has always been looking good with fast recoverys with both previous cycles, i take 10mg statin for Cholesterol too.

I'll keep y'all posted.
Hey , welcome to the board. :wavey:

I saw your other post ( you only have two at the moment). Good advice given there my friend.

Now as far as this new cycle I have a few comments.

First , I think you have some duplication and do not need the Nolva during cycle

Second, No Aromasin with PCT.

Otherwise I think it's a good cycle. Hey as you know ya gotta get that diet dialed and a good routine and being consistent is what is gonna make your LMM gains.

Good luck and lets see what others think about your Nolva use., .... OK :)


Ha :laugh: I like your comment on the Tren dragging you behind.
Don't know if you are looking for advice or not, you didn't ask for it.

With this cycle the obvious difference is the 600 boldenone. It is said to aromatize at roughly 50% the rate of testosterone, so you should bump up your AI a bit to compensate. But 0.5 mg EOD is more than enough, so should be fine as is. If you see estrogen signs then reconsider.

Also you didn't mention gap between last shot and PCT. Be careful with boldenone, you have to wait a hell of a lot longer than most people realize. At 600 per week 5 weeks would be a good target.
In bold
my first post on here!

idk my bf% i'm lean though.
1st cycle was 500 test-wk
with a superdrol kicker..
Loved it great cycle.
2nd cycle was 300 test e and 300 tren e with 6 weeks of winstrol at 50 mg/day
i fucked it up somehow lol my joints all hurt, i couldn't breathe well with tren and sleeping was impossible, had to sleep on a towel a few times... But honestly in the end i felt bigger and better than ever, tren does the work but it drags you behind it... Also, not much appetite with it.
it was the winny
current cycle-
16 weeks of 500 test-e/wk and ok
600 mg of eq/wk ok
superdrol 4 week kicker ok
for all my cycles i take
arimidex .5mg eod good
nolvadex 10mg ed likely unnecessary, but doesn't hurt
hcg 500iu a week 250iu twice a week?

and pct with nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20 good
clomid 100/100/50/50 no need to go 100, 50 is fine
and aromasin 12.5 mg ed drop it, will counteract clomid effect

blood work has always been looking good with fast recoverys with both previous cycles, i take 10mg statin for cholesterol too.

I'll keep y'all posted.
so ill ask the important question.. What are your goals with this cycle and what is your diet going to look like?