500mg test c + 250mg deca a week.


New member
So im looking at a second cycle, the end of the last cycle was 3 months ago, which was 12 weeks of test e, at 400mg a week.

I was about 17st 7lb when i started and now im currently down to 16st, lost alot of Body fat and gained alot of stength! I used it as more a cutting cycle for my first time!

Now my diet is pretty good and Ive lost alot of fat, i want to bulk with some good gains!

Im thinking of this cycle....please bear in mind that im not trying to get massive quick! Hence the low dosage of deca! And i do not want to use orals!.

Week 1>10
500mg test c,
250mg deca,
0.5mg adex e3d,
0.mg caber e3d,

Week 10>14
500mg test c,
0.5mg adex e3d,
0.5mg caber e3d,

Week 14>16
0.5mg adex e3d,
0.5mg caber e3d,

Week 16>20

My questions are , i also have hcg but when should i use it?

And help with my pct , as nolva is a no no with deca, so i was thinking clomid, but amounts and what else?
Start hcg at the beginning of cycle. Run it up to pct. Wait 3 weeks after last pin to start pct. Use nolva and clomid for pct. No such thing as 19 nors and nolva. That's bullshit. Your diet determines whether you bulk or cut, not the gear. Diet is atleast 80% so do the math...
Running Deca doe only 10 weeks isn't worth it. I would switch to NPP or extend your cycle 4 more week.

And running deca at 250mg/week will pretty much only give therapeutic joint pain relief. Is that what you are hoping to get from it? If you are looking of gains, take it up to 500mg/week.

You should use caber weeka 1-10. Is that a typo where you said you would use 0mg?

I would run Nolva and Clomid together for PCT.

You should use hCG too during your cycle. 250ii twice per week. Deca + Test is a very suppressive combination.
Yes sorry it was a typo error,
was ment to be 0.5mg caber 1>10

And i was thinking that any deca added to the test cycle will give more gains than none!?, plus it gives me a chance to see how i get on with the deca and maybe next time i could up the dosage .

And ok so i CAN use novla!

Would this pct look ok?

Clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolva 60/60/40/40