500mg test E Aromasin at 12.5mg with 10mg nolva


New member
New to the forum. My first cycle in 6 or 7 years. I have very mild gyno from my stupid years without using ais so im definitely prone.

I want to be running 50mg dbol ed for 6weeks and 500mg test for 12 weeks. Already have nolva and the test. I have access to letro aromasin and adex as ais. I know nolva can be ran with aromasin so what you guys think? will this keep estro at bay or should i get some letro aswel? Obviously i know i cant run nolva with letro or adex. So aromasin sound like my ideal and i hope i could run both at slightly lower doses, upping the nolva dose when pct.


age 27
Weight 240lbs
Height 6ft3
Bodyfat 12-13%

hoping to start in about 2to3weeks time after i make my order of said ais and dbol.

Any thoughts.
get aromasin and letro..use the aroma on cycle but keep the letro on hand just in case u get a gyno problem like u had in the past.Pct should always consist of clomid and nolva.Also never start a cycle without having everything u need on hand ready to go..Imo cycles should be built backwards starting with pct ,AI's,then the gear
yeah, I wouldn't dream of starting a cycle without everything im going to need. Considered not doing one at all even though I already bought the test and nolva as my first source couldn't get the AIs! which are as important if not more important than the test to me! So taking nolva at 10mg ED with 12.5mg aromasin ED isn't really the ideal? Can get both letro and aromasin at 40quid (or 60bucks) each for 50pills. Letro at 2.5mg and aromasin at 25mg. That sound about right on the pricing? $120 for 100pills in total.
Keep your e2 in check with the AI during the cycle,, that's all you should need during the cycle is the AI. Keep letro or raloxifine on hand in case of Gyno
Since you're gyno prone, run the nolva along with the aromasin. Get blood work mid cycle to determine if a stronger AI or higher dose is needed. Keep letro on hand in case you need to quickly drop e2, but the nolva should offer good protection from gyno.
Right change of plan. Im only going to be doing 25mg of dbol ED. Ive also been thinking of running dbol for the first 3 and a half weeks of the cycle and then reintroducing it in the last 3 and half weeks. Its a 12week cycle. What you guys think?
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