
You look a lot bigger than 180lbs. You look well over 200lbs.

Good going stang, Just blast them legs.
Impressive, hun. Phoe is a lucky girl.

You've done a lot since I last saw pics of you.

In the words of Ike NOICE!!! :D
Mr. dB said:
Then there's just the matter of that 120 pound weight difference.
yeah but to get down to his bf i would have to lose at least 50 pounds and unless i decide to cut 1 of my legs off i dont see that happening anytime soon :D
DADAWG said:
yeah but to get down to his bf i would have to lose at least 50 pounds and unless i decide to cut 1 of my legs off i dont see that happening anytime soon :D

Hahaha. Dawg's leg has 15 pounds on me.
I'm still jealous of your prolific pizza-eating ability. Perhaps I shall practice mine during vacation.

Oh boy. That reminds me. If I'm planning on posting any more of these, I'd better do it within the next few weeks. When I get back from Cali, I have a strange feeling I won't look the same as I did when I left.

Maybe they'll charge me extra for one of those fat seats on the plane.
Lookin good man!! Keep at it and make sure you keep up on hiding those bodies under your floor!!

Shhh, they don't know about it yet!!!
bigbuffstaples said:
Lookin good man!! Keep at it and make sure you keep up on hiding those bodies under your floor!!

Shhh, they don't know about it yet!!!


That's where I get most of the meat for my diet - right from the source.