55 years old, 5'10", 350lbs! Any help?


New member
I don't know how I let it get like this. I was always in shape as a young man. I have done steroids in my 20's and 30's. I'm getting divorced, and started lifting again. I actually was 385lbs 2 months ago. I'm going to do a cycle of 12 weeks and was thinking 600 week test, 400 decca, dbol first 6 weeks, A'dex during cycle followed by hcg, tamoxifen, and clomid post cycle. I don't have a heart problem. Am I going to kill myself? This old flame wants the old me and has no clue how gross I am now. She looks good!I have 4 months max to try and get as close as I can to in some sort of shape. ANY advice would be greatly appreciated.
No cycle brother bf% is to high will be a bitch controlling e2. Plus if you don't learn to eat right all the muscle you gain will be covered with fat.

I was 273 in July and now 219. Diet and hard work 3j set me straight. I thought I knew how to diet well I'm 45 and finally learned how. His ad is at the top right of your screen.

I came here looking for steroids the magic elixir and found out diet is key without out knowing how to eat properly you'll never get anywhere.

It was the best money I've ever spent.

Good luck
Thanks Hiram. Now that the "food enabler" is gone, eating right is a snap. I was hoping to do both. Your story is inspiring. Thanks!
Diet first. Lose wait, a significant amount of wait. Get your bf% to 15% at most. Then starting looking at gear. The money you'd spend on gear you can spend on a nutritionist, and a training plan.
No cycle brother bf% is to high will be a bitch controlling e2. Plus if you don't learn to eat right all the muscle you gain will be covered with fat.

I was 273 in July and now 219. Diet and hard work 3j set me straight. I thought I knew how to diet well I'm 45 and finally learned how. His ad is at the top right of your screen.

I came here looking for steroids the magic elixir and found out diet is key without out knowing how to eat properly you'll never get anywhere.

It was the best money I've ever spent.

Good luck

yup yup! he's one of my star clients!!

with your current weight i highly recommend you hold off on steroids..

instead focus mainly on your diet and training.. diet taking the top priority..

if you need help getting your diet set up you have two options

1. i have a free diet advice thread in the diet section.. read post 1 and follow directions

2. Youre more than welcome to hire me and have a professional handle your diet and training..

here is my website

3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

email me at 3jdiet@gmail.com for more info
No BS ... 3J will set you straight, set me up on a program last year, dropped bf from 28% to 16%, signed on again with him. He knows his shit and will get you where you want to be.

Delta Zulu
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I don't know how I let it get like this. I was always in shape as a young man. I have done steroids in my 20's and 30's. I'm getting divorced, and started lifting again. I actually was 385lbs 2 months ago. I'm going to do a cycle of 12 weeks and was thinking 600 week test, 400 decca, dbol first 6 weeks, A'dex during cycle followed by hcg, tamoxifen, and clomid post cycle. I don't have a heart problem. Am I going to kill myself? This old flame wants the old me and has no clue how gross I am now. She looks good!I have 4 months max to try and get as close as I can to in some sort of shape. ANY advice would be greatly appreciated.

other than hrt (if blood work shows it low as i suspect it will) i would not use any aas. diet and sups. bring BF% down before cycling is best option.

here are some supps that might help I recommended to a stripper recently (I know its strange comment but i went with a bunch of girlfriends and a ripper gave me her # and started talking to me there about stuff and touched on supps and she asked about stim free fatloss supps so i emailed her) anyway Ill PM you some products I rec.
If you take steroids right now especially test and decca you are going to bloat up so bad from water retention it wouldnt even be funny. Plus you need to think about your heart adding in steroids at you weight would be asking for health problems to occur. You have a long road ahead of you and their really are no shortcuts. The best thing you could do is get a nutritionist like 3j and also sign up for personal training lessons at a gym. Dont stress out about the old flame just start eating right and do some cardio and weight lifting. I highly recommend getting a nutritionist and a personal trainer youve got alot of work ahead of you and your going to want their help.
other than hrt (if blood work shows it low as i suspect it will) i would not use any aas. diet and sups. bring BF% down before cycling is best option.

here are some supps that might help I recommended to a stripper recently (I know its strange comment but i went with a bunch of girlfriends and a ripper gave me her # and started talking to me there about stuff and touched on supps and she asked about stim free fatloss supps so i emailed her) anyway Ill PM you some products I rec.

Soooo weird, I just had something similar happen! *insert twilight zone music here *

Totally agree that you want to take a look at hormones and make sure everything is fine. I busted my ass for months and the only thing I got out of it was being tired and sore. I didn't know I had the same level of testosterone as a 14 year old girl!

3J can take care of the rest if you listen to him. Welcome to ology!

My .02c :)
Get your big ass up and start moving.... Seriously no juice, just start walking and check that diet. Gradually work up to killing shit in the gym....DIET