5th day LEGIT DNP but no sides?


New member
Hey folks.

A year ago i was on a dnp/clen/t3 cycle for 2 weeks, with 200-400mg, i sweated my ass off, but it's worth.

Now i started again, SAME source.

1-3 day: 200mg
4th day: 400mg
5th day: 500mg

No sweating at all but yellow semen and a little carb cravings.
any ideas on why im not feeling sides and does it mean it's not working? last time at 200mg was much more worse...
So, instead of letting things build up properly, you just up the dose. Great way to kill yourself.

You really should try to understand how these things work, especially ones that carry the side effect of death. FYI: carb intake and even genetic predisposition can GREATLY impact how DNP works - not to mention you've barely given it time.
Okay, the problem is that i cannot sweat in my workspace, so i just went to a 10day -dnp short cycle- vacation.
I'll reduce back to 400mg, i'll see what's happening.
damn bro. DNP, clen, AND T3? why?! are you competing at an IFBB level and stuck at 5% bodyfat and trying to get to 3%? even then i wouldn't touch , dnp that shit is literally poison. that stack just screams "im a lazy fuck looking for a shortcut to get ripped".

i'm 100% certain that legit t3 alone, MAYBE with some clen if you insist, will yield you amazing fat burning results if your diet and training is in check. if your diet is on point and you are hitting the weights hard for an hour and a half-2 hours a day you would barely have to do any cardio.
Okay, the problem is that i cannot sweat in my workspace, so i just went to a 10day -dnp short cycle- vacation.
I'll reduce back to 400mg, i'll see what's happening.

10 days isn't really enough time either for results worth the risk imo. But yes, please come back down to a dose that's at least reasonable as it kicks in.