6 tips for gaining mass


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Original post by Anita Ramsey at Need To Build Muscle Inc.

SIX BIG Nutritional Tips for Mass Building

Gaining size, quality size, for most is an up hill battle. It seems that it’s not competition dieting that offer the up and coming bodybuilder hard times but the off-season bulking up. Is it really that hard to do? Most of us are looking for that special ingredient or the perfect bulking diet when it’s so simple to accomplish that anyone can do it. Yes, I said anyone, I don’t care how much of a “hard-gainer” you want to call yourself, anyone can gain quality size just by doing these simple six during your off-season bulking period.

1. Eat small meals frequently.

Lets look at your calories. Any Mass building diet should consist of high protein, moderate carbs, and moderate fat. Don’t argue with me, do the combinations I suggested. Gradually increase those calories weekly. It is hard to eat so much food so you better take your time, and eat in small increments. Build up gradually. For the best results in terms of muscle growth you should be eating six meals per day or about every 2 ½ to 3-hours. No time to eat six times a day? Then get yourself more organized prepare your food in advance. Precook lots of different meats and brown rice, so all you have to do is pre-pack your meals for the day – no cooking involved. Use meal replacement shakes as well, but do not make these a habit for all your meals, use for one to two meals only. A safe fall back is always carry a supply of protein powder and meal replacements everywhere you gym, just incase you run out of food or have none to be found. Keep a stash in your car, office, and gym bag. The longer you make your body wait between meals, the less efficient it becomes at burning fat and or gaining lean tissue. Long periods without eating will greatly increase your chance of overeating when you finally allow yourself to have a meal. A really great option to have with you is Need To Build Muscle’s Better Protein Bars. They come as a dry mix, it takes about 10-12 minutes to make a batch of them (no cooking involved) and what is great is there is no additives or preservatives in them, they really are all natural and an awesome meal replacement. You can find them at Need To Build Muscle.

2. Consume ample amounts of protein.

We’ve addressed this question already. Now that you grasped the importance of eating every 3 hours let’s talk about protein. I am firm believer that high protein diets are best for growth and so is the science that built large individuals. Always maintain 1.5 or 2g protein per pound of bodyweight. Protein is the most important element in muscle development and getting the right amount of amino acids in the lymph is important so be sure to take in protein with every meal. Foods such as eggs, poultry, red meat, and fish are rich sources of protein. Dairy products can also be a form of protein, but not my favorite the others are better. If you find it difficult to eat adequate dietary protein, I recommend supplementing with a Whey protein shake and a tablespoon of all natural peanut butter. If you are still having trouble add a ¼ cup of Heavy Cream and 1 cup of Milk to each 2-scoop shake.

3. Eat post training.

The post training meal should have a high quality carbohydrate preferably a waxy maze carb, protein, BCAA’s, and of course Glutamine. The lower the glycemic index of a given carbohydrate, the more gradually it will be digested into its component parts and absorbed from the GI tract into the bloodstream. Less insulin is released from the pancreas over a given time in response to foods with low glycemic indices. Consequently, the body has more time to utilize the components for fuel rather than storing them as fat. One major exception to this rule is fructose, the simple sugar found in fruit, which has a low glycemic index, but don’t be using fruit as your post workout carb.

4. Eat the right fats.

Fats are important energy sources for bodybuilders. Fats contain 9 calories per gram, more than twice the amount found in carbohydrates and proteins. The key with fats is that you need to get the right fats. The hard training bodybuilder needs Omega-3. When selecting fats look for anything high in Omega3 fatty acids like salmon, aomega 3 eggs or use an essential fat supplement like fish oil. I also use Heavy Cream for those really hard gainers, it has a combination of good and bad but in the off-season it’s not going to hurt you that much and it tastes great in the shakes. Utilized right these fats can make your body utilize these for energy instead of fat depositing carbs.

5. Be sure to consume adequate fiber.

The human GI tract cannot digest fiber thus it does not contribute calories and is passed as waste. It is vital to good health though. Inadequate dietary fiber leads to a sluggish GI tract, water retention, bloating, and the dreaded constipation. Fruits and leafy vegetables are excellent fiber sources in addition to being rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. There are also dietary fiber products you can use instead of fruit when trying to limit your fruit intake.

6. Drink H2O!

Last but surly most important. I recommend a minimum of one gallon of water per day, especially if you are on a cycle of creatine. Water aids the liver and kidneys in the detoxification of poisons and the elimination of wastes from the body. Without sufficient water, we become dehydrated. Our organs, including muscle, liver and kidney do not function optimally without enough water. Optimal kidney function leaves the liver free to perform fat burning. Fluid intake increases urination; it will also decrease overall water retention. Since we do not feel thirsty until we are already in a dehydrated state, it is best to drink water with sufficient frequency to prevent thirst. Gradually work up to a gallon a day, you will reap the benefits of your efforts almost immediately. In fact, drinking water below your body temperature can actually help you to lose weight. A hydrated individual will have greater endurance to complete those high intensity hardcore workouts.

Take these six big nutritional tips and your bodybuilding will take new directions in mass optimal growth. Here is something no one tells you. It takes Bucks to get BIG! Have you ever noticed how expensive it is to eat “clean?” But if you want to eat junk, you’re food bill is allot lower. Go figure. I guess our government wants us to be lazy and fat. In bodybuilding it takes time to be successful, to find out what works and what doesn’t. But, you have to push that time envelope into your timetable not the world’s timetable. OK, a bodybuilder’s diet is expensive. Who cares! For hardcore freaky status we do what we have to do to achieve greatness.

When it comes to nutrition, most are uneducated. It’s about training, how you train, and NUTRITION: how you are eating, and supplementation. If you got the guts to make the journey into the fields of mass production then, in no time, you’ll no longer be a hard gainer. So, if you’re looking to take your physique to the next level, this is what you do. Analyze. And reanalyze. But, if you want to be huge and strong then stop asking questions and take my advice. Hardcore training and eating with proper nutrition combined with good supplement regiment and you’re gains will come fast. So eat and when you get into a good pattern with that then it is time to start adding in those supplements.

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I hate when people say "hard gainer", just suck it up and eat nancy

Same here... Funny how the ones who claim they're "hard gainers" all claim they do everything right but they're just the exception and "nothing they do works".

If they spent half the time they spend crying about being hard gainers on eating, lifting, resting & committing to the lifestyle they'd already be half way there

Nice post........

The tips which you had given was very nice. It will be use full to gain the muscle.
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Hello Friends........

Great Tips.Thanks for sharing this useful tips with all of us.Keep sharing more tips in the future.

Have a nice time ahead.

Such an interesting and helpful stuff to gain the mass. I prefer heavy weight exercise and follow the diet program regularly. Another thing is that I use the standard protein powder which referred by the gym trainer.
Well If you want to gaining your mass you must be concentrate on your eating. Fats are important energy sources for bodybuilders. Fats contain 9 calories per gram, more than twice the amount found in carbohydrates and proteins.
Wow really great article is given over her very nice information to gain weight.
I just use fish, eggs, chicken food, cheese, junk food,milk and some protein powder. will you try this food so definitely you can get better result form that.