6 Week Blast Test Suspension Tren A Anadrol Blast

So im brain storming a 6 week blast im planning on doing right after I finish a 14 week Test E Dianabol cycle anyway I would like to hear everyone thoughts about my 6 week blast keep in mind im a powerlifter this will be my first time trying Tren and Anadrol I've tried test suspension before but in oil im doing test suspension in water based this time im hoping it doesn't hurt as much as the oil test suspension anyway here it is.
Week 1-6: Test Suspension 100 mg ed
Week 1-6: Tren A 50 mg ed
Week 1-6: Anadrol 100 mg ed

Share your thoughts I know Tren is a rough compound but I don't think 6 weeks of it will hurt me im going to be using everything from PSL and plan on sticking to 6 weeks blast 6 weeks cruise will be cruising on 100 mg of test prop ed I know that's a high dosage but I feel the best on everyday shots and feel very normal on that dosage. Will this 6 week blast be a good stack for gaining very fast strength for my big 3 in powerlifting? Im looking forward to it very much would love to hear others thoughts about it thanks
So im brain storming a 6 week blast im planning on doing right after I finish a 14 week Test E Dianabol cycle anyway I would like to hear everyone thoughts about my 6 week blast keep in mind im a powerlifter this will be my first time trying Tren and Anadrol I've tried test suspension before but in oil im doing test suspension in water based this time im hoping it doesn't hurt as much as the oil test suspension anyway here it is.
Week 1-6: Test Suspension 100 mg ed
Week 1-6: Tren A 50 mg ed
Week 1-6: Anadrol 100 mg ed

Share your thoughts I know Tren is a rough compound but I don't think 6 weeks of it will hurt me im going to be using everything from PSL and plan on sticking to 6 weeks blast 6 weeks cruise will be cruising on 100 mg of test prop ed I know that's a high dosage but I feel the best on everyday shots and feel very normal on that dosage. Will this 6 week blast be a good stack for gaining very fast strength for my big 3 in powerlifting? Im looking forward to it very much would love to hear others thoughts about it thanks

I think you need to go back to the drawing board. Suspension (water based test without an ester) has a half-life of about four hours. You're going to be on one HELL of a a hormone roller coaster, as estradiol and test are going to spike, then you're going to crash - hard.

You need an esterfied base, there's no way around this.

Starting two new compounds at once is never a good idea, ever. ESPECIALLY two compounds that can absolutely wreck your life as you know it. Add to that a giant swing in hormones from using suspension?

Absolute nightmare in the making dude.

Stick with the basics. If you want to try tren, that's one thing, but you want to ensure it's set up properly so it's a pleasant experience. Six weeks on ace is a bit short too, as many don't even really notice it for several weeks in. I know it's a very short ester, but tren is different in so many ways - it would suck to try to get to a meet with your A game, only to find you're still progressing much slower than anticipated.

Suspension has more bite than TNE in my experience. Of course it really matters who made it, as concentrations at anything greater than 50mg/ml are going to just hurt in water. Even TNE at 100mg/ml can pack a punch. ;)

Edit: I missed the part about prop, so you at least have that covered. I still think you're taking quite the gamble adding adrol and suspension with tren into the mix all at once. You will undoubtedly get stronger, but it could be a very rough time for you.

My .02c :)
I understand that test suspension has a short half life but I think 4 hours is a little silly if that was the case on steroid.com they would say that I need to inject test suspension 4 times a day im sure once a day will be fine I will be taking 50 mg per ml of test suspension so that's 2.5 ml everyday 2 ml of test suspension and 0.5 ml of Tren A I completely understand what your saying with taking 2 new compounds I was just wanting to experiment with a short 6 week blast using suspension Tren and Anadrol im sure the Anadrol will break me out on my back or maybe it won't im not really sure and yes your right it is a short cycle im going to be trying out 6 weeks blast 6 weeks cruise then repeat it with a different blast in mind and possibly keep using test suspension in my blasts if I get good results that I like if I don't like them I will most likely just switch to test prop cuz test prop really doesn't give me any problems
I understand that test suspension has a short half life but I think 4 hours is a little silly if that was the case on steroid.com they would say that I need to inject test suspension 4 times a day im sure once a day will be fine I will be taking 50 mg per ml of test suspension so that's 2.5 ml everyday 2 ml of test suspension and 0.5 ml of Tren A I completely understand what your saying with taking 2 new compounds I was just wanting to experiment with a short 6 week blast using suspension Tren and Anadrol im sure the Anadrol will break me out on my back or maybe it won't im not really sure and yes your right it is a short cycle im going to be trying out 6 weeks blast 6 weeks cruise then repeat it with a different blast in mind and possibly keep using test suspension in my blasts if I get good results that I like if I don't like them I will most likely just switch to test prop cuz test prop really doesn't give me any problems

It's totally your body brother, I'm just giving you experience with scientific facts. I'm on my phone, so I'm going to let you do a Google search to see that the half-life of testosterone (base/suspension/no-ester) is cited on pubmed/chemspider/Harvard as 2-4 hours depending on individual metabolisms.

This means you will get a spike and a very low trough. There's nothing wrong with using suspension as a pre-workout, but it can cause you problems with reactive AAS like a 19-nor such as tren.

Please share your experiences once you're done with this though. Who knows, maybe you'll be one of the VERY lucky few that has no issues. ;)
Thank you I will definitely make a my steroid cycle thread for when I do it should definitely be interesting hopefully I get some good strength gains
It's totally your body brother, I'm just giving you experience with scientific facts. I'm on my phone, so I'm going to let you do a Google search to see that the half-life of testosterone (base/suspension/no-ester) is cited on pubmed/chemspider/Harvard as 2-4 hours depending on individual metabolisms.

This means you will get a spike and a very low trough. There's nothing wrong with using suspension as a pre-workout, but it can cause you problems with reactive AAS like a 19-nor such as tren.

Please share your experiences once you're done with this though. Who knows, maybe you'll be one of the VERY lucky few that has no issues. ;)

As mentioned about Test Suspension / TNE, I had some TNE a couple years ago while doing a high dose Test E and moderate Deca, specifically for a pre-wkout. For me being manic and loving being energized it would do just that. The TNE would come on while driving to the gym I could tell because it really fuvcked with my Temperament, aggression and such. For my working out it was an aid I loved it, but it wasn't something I thought would be healthy to live on ED. It really made me aggressive and had problems.

So combined with the cost , my I belief it wasn't healthy and temper , I stopped. I think if used for pre wkout on low dose Test it's a good thing.

Due to the HIGH's, and LOW's of TNE you can't run it all the time or for replacing Test w/o an ester at all
Just my 2c on TNE since it was mentioned

if TNE was used as proposed 100mg ED you would (backing halfwit) such a trough with your metabolism. Think back at the primary function of Test. It helps to metabolize protein into muscle at a faster more efficient rate. SOOO WTF is happening when you in the low or almost essentially with out? Hmm
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Well im back after searching lots about its half life and from everything I've looked at it has a active life of 24 hours to 30 sometimes 36 hours so again I am fine doing one a day injections I would rather stick myself everyday and have high testosterone levels then have to only do it twice a week and wait for it to build up and hit me it sounds alot more benefits comes with short ester testosterone when it comes to strength gains so I will do my 14 week cycle of Test E and Dianabol then right after week 14 I will be starting my 6 week test suspension Tren A Anadrol blast I will make a thread for anyone who wants to follow my 6 week blast be looking for it in the near future I start my 14 week Test E and DIanabol Cycle as soon as my package gets here see you guys once I start my 6 week blast
I agree with the advice above. I brewed test suspension in oil and couldn't get it to dissolve at a very high concentration. I ended up making a blend of 50 mg./ml. suspension and 50 mg./ml. propinate. This blend was more friendly than higher concentrations of suspension but the shots were still painful and left big lumps.

When I long ago used anadrol, I started at 50 mgs. per day and increased the dose until I started noticing gains. This didn't seem to happen until I hit 150 mgs. per day. On that dose, I felt a little sick and my blood pressure was elevated to the point that I didn't like to bend down.

I have no doubt that you'll make big strength gains on this stack, but I agree that you're setting yourself for a lot of unnecessary discomfort with the suspension and I'd seriously consider using a slower ester such as propinate or even enanthate (for the first few weeks). Since you want to be done in 6 weeks (which wouldn't be my preference), you shouldn't inject enanthate after the 3rd week.
Well im back after searching lots about its half life and from everything I've looked at it has a active life of 24 hours to 30 sometimes 36 hours so again I am fine doing one a day injections I would rather stick myself everyday and have high testosterone levels then have to only do it twice a week and wait for it to build up and hit me it sounds alot more benefits comes with short ester testosterone when it comes to strength gains so I will do my 14 week cycle of Test E and Dianabol then right after week 14 I will be starting my 6 week test suspension Tren A Anadrol blast I will make a thread for anyone who wants to follow my 6 week blast be looking for it in the near future I start my 14 week Test E and DIanabol Cycle as soon as my package gets here see you guys once I start my 6 week blast

I just searched it myself.

all the websites I found that cite ONE DAY are talking about detection time before blood tests. The only few that say it has a half life of 12-24 hours otherwise...are shitty forums with threads pre-2005.
Well im back after searching lots about its half life and from everything I've looked at it has a active life of 24 hours to 30 sometimes 36 hours so again I am fine doing one a day injections I would rather stick myself everyday and have high testosterone levels then have to only do it twice a week and wait for it to build up and hit me it sounds alot more benefits comes with short ester testosterone when it comes to strength gains so I will do my 14 week cycle of Test E and Dianabol then right after week 14 I will be starting my 6 week test suspension Tren A Anadrol blast I will make a thread for anyone who wants to follow my 6 week blast be looking for it in the near future I start my 14 week Test E and DIanabol Cycle as soon as my package gets here see you guys once I start my 6 week blast

I just don't get why people post their cycle ideas looking for critique and when they hear something they don't like they just crack on anyway.

For me, Test suspension is a great compound for those already running a low dose Test cycle to give their weaker bodyparts more bang for their buck during a workout, it would NEVER be used just as the base for a cycle.

You say you don't want the 'build-up' period - but then in the next sentence you say you are running the short cycle after 14 weeks of Test E - which is contradicting yourself.

I wouldn't bother making 'that thread' buddy - because it's clear to see you don't have a clue what you're doing, and therefore nobody else will follow suit.
I just don't get why people post their cycle ideas looking for critique and when they hear something they don't like they just crack on anyway.

For me, Test suspension is a great compound for those already running a low dose Test cycle to give their weaker bodyparts more bang for their buck during a workout, it would NEVER be used just as the base for a cycle.

You say you don't want the 'build-up' period - but then in the next sentence you say you are running the short cycle after 14 weeks of Test E - which is contradicting yourself.

I wouldn't bother making 'that thread' buddy - because it's clear to see you don't have a clue what you're doing, and therefore nobody else will follow suit.

BigBen, what do you think about TNE as pre workout? There's a compound I'm looking at that is a mix of TNE and superdrol... But the thing is, I already have a low dose of Test E mixed into my Tren A cycle (175 Test E, 500mg Tren)... Won't adding TNE count as adding more test to my whole cycle? Like let's say I do 100mg TNE ED pre workout... That's 500mg cuz I workout 5 days a week... Won't my Test be higher than my Tren now? Or not, because TNE is basically in and out?
BigBen, what do you think about TNE as pre workout? There's a compound I'm looking at that is a mix of TNE and superdrol... But the thing is, I already have a low dose of Test E mixed into my Tren A cycle (175 Test E, 500mg Tren)... Won't adding TNE count as adding more test to my whole cycle? Like let's say I do 100mg TNE ED pre workout... That's 500mg cuz I workout 5 days a week... Won't my Test be higher than my Tren now? Or not, because TNE is basically in and out?

If you're lacking workout intensity on Tren, then I say you have some issues.... training on Tren is as good as it gets!

Personally I only use TNE or Test suspension if I'm only running low dose Test (TRT) or a very mild cycle, and have a massive leg session planned that I really need to get up for.

I use it sparingly, it's not something I want to start to rely on.
I just searched it myself.

all the websites I found that cite ONE DAY are talking about detection time before blood tests. The only few that say it has a half life of 12-24 hours otherwise...are shitty forums with threads pre-2005.
This ^^^^

If you're lacking workout intensity on Tren, then I say you have some issues.... training on Tren is as good as it gets!

Personally I only use TNE or Test suspension if I'm only running low dose Test (TRT) or a very mild cycle, and have a massive leg session planned that I really need to get up for.

I use it sparingly, it's not something I want to start to rely on.

This as I stated on my post #8 I advised " I think if used for pre wkout on low dose Test it's a good thing"
As seen many of the vets agree....DONE .......