6-WEEK CYCLE OF ANAVAR - critique please

So many idiots ITT.

Nothing wrong with oral only cycles.

Link to me studies showing liver damage.

Link me to studies showing shut down of test.

I am really starting to doubt this site..how can you guys spread so much bullshit to these new guys?

Anyone who says test MUST be in a cycle is a complete idiot, do more research.

Neg me, flame me, I dont care...its stunning to see how many uneducated guys there are on this forum, yet not one of you can provide empirical evidence for your claims..

I am thinking of running a dianabol only cycle for 12 weeks with no test...can't wait to show pre and post blood results for all you fucking morons who think "OMGZ YOU WILL LOSE ALL YOUR GAINS BRO LIKE OMG DONT DO IT"...retards
So many idiots ITT.

Nothing wrong with oral only cycles.

Link to me studies showing liver damage.

Link me to studies showing shut down of test.

I am really starting to doubt this site..how can you guys spread so much bullshit to these new guys?

Anyone who says test MUST be in a cycle is a complete idiot, do more research.

Neg me, flame me, I dont care...its stunning to see how many uneducated guys there are on this forum, yet not one of you can provide empirical evidence for your claims..

I am thinking of running a dianabol only cycle for 12 weeks with no test...can't wait to show pre and post blood results for all you fucking morons who think "OMGZ YOU WILL LOSE ALL YOUR GAINS BRO LIKE OMG DONT DO IT"...retards

the only thing i can say is your a fucking idiot.
do not spread that misinformation on here , you can do screw yourself up if you want but dont screw over some newbie who thinks you know what your talking about.
the only thing i can say is your a fucking idiot.
do not spread that misinformation on here , you can do screw yourself up if you want but dont screw over some newbie who thinks you know what your talking about.

O really?

Show me clinical trials stating oral only cycles are bad?

Stop brainwashing everyone with all your fucking bullshit, accept the truth about AAS and inform people with factual information, not broscience.

These forums spread so much broscience it really sucks to know that all you guys are doing is making more people DUMBER then they already are..
No need for clinical trials. I have tried it myself as have many others. It's just a bad route to go when there are better safer options. Why would we advise someone to take the wrong approach when there are better easier options available.
O really?

Show me clinical trials stating oral only cycles are bad?

Stop brainwashing everyone with all your fucking bullshit, accept the truth about AAS and inform people with factual information, not broscience.

These forums spread so much broscience it really sucks to know that all you guys are doing is making more people DUMBER then they already are..

im telling you dont spread that shit and get someone sick listening to that shit . theres been hundreds of guys who have taken orals and shown high liver levels , that doesnt show permenant damage but alcohol and tylenol do the same thing to liver levels and we all know what they can do to the liver. studies arent worth a shit , they almost never conduicted on athletes they are conducted on old men , women , aids patients , etc. .show me some studies that show orals cant cause liver damage if your so sure.
DAWG we must not have noticed hes a future IFBB pro so he must know what he's talking about. And this is where a lot of guys come to start out and there is no way I'm telling a guy to take stupid ass routes to start with. Once you have some experience and you want to experiment with things then great but we are trying to advise on a safe way for the average user not a "wanna be future IFBB pro". That's a different game so save your bullshit
No need for clinical trials. I have tried it myself as have many others. It's just a bad route to go when there are better safer options. Why would we advise someone to take the wrong approach when there are better easier options available.

And if you think dbol only cycles are the way to go, you have no clue of what you are doing

I will take empirical evidnce over the words of idiots on these forums ANYDAY hands down....extremely disappointed that websites like these make people dumber then smarter..

im telling you dont spread that shit and get someone sick listening to that shit . theres been hundreds of guys who have taken orals and shown high liver levels , that doesnt show permenant damage but alcohol and tylenol do the same thing to liver levels and we all know what they can do to the liver. studies arent worth a shit , they almost never conduicted on athletes they are conducted on old men , women , aids patients , etc. .show me some studies that show orals cant cause liver damage if your so sure.
LOL i have linked plenty in that other argument we had...exactly they are sick older men who are in need of AAS...why the hell would it be any different for a healthy young athlete who DOESN'T have HIV???

I hate to sound like such a prick but jesus man, why do you guys only follow what worked for YOU or HIM or HER instead of approaching the matter in a more scientific approach....where people take close note of organ health, hormone levels etc at recreational doses of the drug.

DAWG we must not have noticed hes a future IFBB pro so he must know what he's talking about. And this is where a lot of guys come to start out and there is no way I'm telling a guy to take stupid ass routes to start with. Once you have some experience and you want to experiment with things then great but we are trying to advise on a safe way for the average user not a "wanna be future IFBB pro". That's a different game so save your bullshit

I find it funny that you guys cannot prove shit..all you do is say this and say that and say "well this and that happened to many vets around here so it MUST be true", instead of having an open mind and looking at science...

Son, I am disappoint..

I don't claim to know everything bro, I just look at AAS from different perspectives instead of listening to the toolbags on this forum who claim to know everything simply because they sauced for 10 years...that doesn't mean jack shit..

My main goal is to educate some of these people and hope to change the stickies to be broscience-free one day, and be backed with evidence instead of gym bros and their "word".
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LOL i have linked plenty in that other argument we had...exactly they are sick older men who are in need of AAS...why the hell would it be any different for a healthy young athlete who DOESN'T have HIV???

you fucking idiot a older man whos test is probablly would probablly show gains from anything , thats a lot different than shutting down a strong steroid like test and replacing it with something like Anavar (var) in a young healthy male.

you like fancy words and you like to quote articles but ive been around this game since you were shitting green in a diaper. ive actually been around hundreds of people besides myself and know what they ran and what good and bad results came from it. that know it all smart ass atitude is going to get you in trouble boy.
Wow this is pretty intresting. Love these arguments but this one actually contains info. I have to agree with the vets here if the pharm companies making the shit tell you its bad for ur liver it is. A company would much rather lead u to believe ur safe and sell the he'll out of it than tell you there are dangers. I have ran dbol and experienced good results but nothing like what im getting from test and dbol. And I also have Anavar (var), for my wife that is:) I have only heard of guys using this to replace dbol or another strong oral in cutting before comp.

For all the vets I would give up on this lost cause he's already convinced himself.
LOL i have linked plenty in that other argument we had...exactly they are sick older men who are in need of AAS...why the hell would it be any different for a healthy young athlete who DOESN'T have HIV???

you fucking idiot a older man whos test is probablly would probablly show gains from anything , thats a lot different than shutting down a strong steroid like test and replacing it with something like Anavar (var) in a young healthy male.

you like fancy words and you like to quote articles but ive been around this game since you were shitting green in a diaper. ive actually been around hundreds of people besides myself and know what they ran and what good and bad results came from it. that know it all smart ass atitude is going to get you in trouble boy.

I think you misunderstood bro...im not talkng about "gains"...im talking about liver damage, test shutdown, and losing all your gains that all the morons on this board claim.

Show me where I quoted from an article? Why are you assuming I'm ignorant lol.

Here we go again, so just because you have personally BEEN AROUND dozens of people, gives you the right to spread misinformation just by what YOU saw and what YOU experienced as well as others???

Come on bro, thats unfair and complete bullshit. Half the people probably fall into placebo effect and other stuff, and dont monitor everything perfectly like they do in clinical trials.

And ya the idiots who experience liver damage are probably because they have liver problems before, or they take pain meds, drink alcohol etc...thats why clinical trials are ALWAYS better then gym bros who don't know their ass from their elbow.

I don't understand why can't you just take a more scientific approach and clean up some of the broscience in the stickies man?? Thats all Im asking for..
Wow this is pretty intresting. Love these arguments but this one actually contains info. I have to agree with the vets here if the pharm companies making the shit tell you its bad for ur liver it is. A company would much rather lead u to believe ur safe and sell the he'll out of it than tell you there are dangers. I have ran dbol and experienced good results but nothing like what im getting from test and dbol. And I also have Anavar (var), for my wife that is:) I have only heard of guys using this to replace dbol or another strong oral in cutting before comp.

For all the vets I would give up on this lost cause he's already convinced himself.

When did I ever state dbol only is better then test and dbol? :rolleyes:.

Im currently running a test cycle now, I have nothing against running a cycle with test, and the gains I am seeing are fantastic now.

All I am saying is there is nothing wrong with oral only cycles like the toolbags on here claim.

Obviously stacking with test will produce phenominal gains, dont be retarded now..

I just hate how people on here will flame the shit out of anyone running dbol only..or a cycle WITHOUT test..
Zepplin I could care less that your opinion varies from any of ours and we are all open to debate with it but you come in trying to have an Internet tough guy attitude. Again, we are promoting to safe and effective method to this. It's obvious that you can do things different with a different goal in mind but look around, 99% of people here are inquiring for recreational use, not with the intention to become a pro. Just like any drug, there is potential for harm. If you are trying to prove that these can be used in different ways then congratulations. But it's nothing new. The average guy is not trying to run dbol for 12 weeks so keep in mind that when you think you are brilliant because you take a different approach, it's nothing new. Many of us have been around for years and years in the AAS world and you can post as many studies as you want about old men and children but it doesn't compare to experience. Call it bro science if you want but I'll take DAWG's experience over those studies any day. Many things look good on paper, just like a drug profile, but you must admit that in real life it doesn't always work that way and not one of us here think an oral cycle is going to kill anyone but why would you not take a safe approach to things when it's for personal gains.

All you have proved is that you are immature. I can tell you I've tried most every drug possible in every method I could think of and I know how retarded it was and have done several cycles without any post cycle. The point is, it's not the best route and if you want something different because you think you are going to be a pro then lose the attitude and talk to some of the vets or mods because I can garantee any cycle you have even thought about using has already been done.
And AAS do shut you down period. The point of preaching pct is to help maximize retention of gains especially when they are readily available. Oral cycles for most people shut them down at some point, and you will lose gains when you aren't producing/using test. You are missing the point. I'm tired of typing and we can agree to disagree. There are different approaches to everything but if you think and oral cycle will ever be more effective then a simple test cycle in any aspect, I believe you are wrong. It's safer, more effective, and you have a greater chance of retaining gains and that's what the majority are asking for. If you think the info here is wrong or a waste then find a new place to go but it's gonna be hard to find because every forum I know of preaches the same information, including pros, doctors, athletes, and guys who are recreational users.
ok first off - milk thistle does jack shit to protect your liver from damage caused by oral steroids. Anything that says "natural", is sold OTC will be equally worthless.

something i think you should read: Milk Thistle, a Herbal Supplement, Decreases the Activity of CYP3A4 and Uridine Diphosphoglucuronosyl Transferase in Human Hepatocyte Cultures

by this paper, it follows that it does serve a protective mechanism for the liver.
(and there is a chance that anavar is degraded by the enzyme milk thistle inhibits...which, if true, could extend the half-life of anavar)

and as a sidenote: can we drop the egos for the sake of an educational discussion? i figure it's fitting being that this website is touted for educational purposes only.
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I use milk thistle just in case it does help but I use 1gram pills and two to three a day.

yeah its probably wiser to go with higher strengths.
I was thinking about incorporating Proviron into this cycle (for the purpose of keeping steady androgen levels once/if my HPTA shuts down). I dont know where it would fit into the cycle, or if it is contraindicated with anything, or if there is another supplement that needs to be taken alongside it. I'd appreciate any advice to help me start my research.
I personally think proviron is a good addition to most cycles especially test because of it's ability to reduce SHBG.
O really?

Show me clinical trials stating oral only cycles are bad?

Stop brainwashing everyone with all your fucking bullshit, accept the truth about AAS and inform people with factual information, not broscience.

These forums spread so much broscience it really sucks to know that all you guys are doing is making more people DUMBER then they already are..

i got banned for sayin cock