6'1 , 150lbs. 33yrs. CANT GAIN!! HELP ME PLZ!!


New member
I am a 33 year old male,6'1, 150lbs. And I can't gain weight.I am in o.k. physical shape but I want to start a serious workout routine.I do not eat properly because I really dont have the proper knowledge on how to gain weight in a healthy way,Which is what brings me here to the pros.I am willing to do whatever it takes to potentially gain 40-50lbs. If any of u guyz or girlz have any bulking tips or bulking plans with or w/o supplements plz help me out. If possible could someone even show me a example of a daily eating schedule of what someone in my position should be following.I have a very fast metabolism and it sucks.Also,should I startt workout routine while bulking or wait till I put on weight?Will workout hinder bulking progress?Thanx guys and girlz for listening looking forward to all the feedbak.Yall know ur stuff,plzzzzzzzz help me!!!