7 weeks of test pct

You use HCG during cycle, not during pct. Why dont you just ride out the rest of the cycle with test. You going to wait to find new Deca? I know some guys run short 6-8 week cycles with TE but I feel your wasting what you already have invested stopping at week 7.
At least run it to 10 weeks then give it 15 days for the ester to clear followed by 3 or 4 weeks of nolvadex 20 mg's a day.
stopping is a better option for me now...i didnt run pregnyl during and was going to run it before pct,so is it needed now,what will be a good post cycle therapy (pct) for this cycle..thanks
If you're set on stopping now run pregnyl 500 iu's 3 times a week for the next two weeks then start the nolvadex 20 mg's for 3 to 4 weeks. You can probably get away with 3 weeks since your cycle was so short.