8 week cycle of test cyp???


I am banned!
Im in a discussion. With one guy that thinks he knows what he's talking about, one who for some reason likes to listen to him and me. Guy #2 has 1 vial of test cyp 200mg/ml. His plan is to run an 8 week cycle of test at 250 a week. I told him it was worth it due to the fact that by the time it finally works your way into your system you'l be done.

I went on to explain normal test cycles are 12-14 weeks. I tried to explain PCT and such. The other guy tries to make me sound like I don't know what I'm talking about. TRIES! He uses some big words to mezmorize guy #2 but he's not fooling me. I tried to lead him to ology but I think I fighting a lost cause.

It goes against everything I've learned here on ology but is it worth running that short of a cycle? Do I actually have it wrong?
why don't you just point out that 250mg/week is essentially TRT.

Tried, ignorance runs deep in these 2 imo. I said also he needed to run prop or sust if he's going to run that short of a cycle but he'd have to pin more. When I mentioned those I got Forrest Whittaker eye.
Bro, I've learned a long time ago to save your advice for someone who is open for it. You've done your job by suggesting to join the forum. He knows where you stand. Smile and let it be. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make em drink.