I am banned!
Im in a discussion. With one guy that thinks he knows what he's talking about, one who for some reason likes to listen to him and me. Guy #2 has 1 vial of test cyp 200mg/ml. His plan is to run an 8 week cycle of test at 250 a week. I told him it was worth it due to the fact that by the time it finally works your way into your system you'l be done.
I went on to explain normal test cycles are 12-14 weeks. I tried to explain PCT and such. The other guy tries to make me sound like I don't know what I'm talking about. TRIES! He uses some big words to mezmorize guy #2 but he's not fooling me. I tried to lead him to ology but I think I fighting a lost cause.
It goes against everything I've learned here on ology but is it worth running that short of a cycle? Do I actually have it wrong?
I went on to explain normal test cycles are 12-14 weeks. I tried to explain PCT and such. The other guy tries to make me sound like I don't know what I'm talking about. TRIES! He uses some big words to mezmorize guy #2 but he's not fooling me. I tried to lead him to ology but I think I fighting a lost cause.
It goes against everything I've learned here on ology but is it worth running that short of a cycle? Do I actually have it wrong?