a little help please! swollen bad


New member
Introduced test Sustanon (sust) into a virgn muscle on Monday (quad) and my knee and quad have been so swollen since that I can't even walk. Extremely painful. Just a tad bit feverish but not red in any area. This is now Thursday and of course I start to think the worst. Had kinda the same effect before going in the glute but used a smaller dose that time and never had those effects again. Any one ever experience this and what was the outcome
Is it warm to the touch?
How much did you pin?
Where in the quad did you pin?

Can't say I've ever experienced anything like that, even with virgin muscle but my stuff is pharma grade.
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That's excessive swelling. 1 more day, if it doesn't go down it's likely infected. Look very closely for any darkening areas (black/blue).

See a doc tomorrow afternoon if it hasn't gone down by the morning.
Just had the same kinda thing occur! Mine was cellulitis , at least that's what they said at the hospital. I'm still on antibiotics. Mine wasn't swole that bad though. Sustanon (sust) can be nasty, I had some shit called
Gorilla power from Mexico that smelled like a flee bath and caused horrendous painfull welts. I hate Mexican crap! Anyway keep an eye on it take acetaminophen for swelling and fever n warm compresses on leg!
Called my dr last night and was just told to take ibuprofen and keep moist heat on it. No discoloration but it is a little warm to the touch. This is pharma grade and my dr knows everything. Seen people like this before but not to this extreme.
What brand is it?

Did you follow sterile injection techniques?
Swab the bottle top with alcohol?
Swab your injection site with alcohol?

How much force did you put behind that plunger?
Sustaplex 250. Swabbed the vile. 2ml in and all air out. Changd pins. Swabbed quad. Pinned and used slow force to apply.
Sustaplex 250. Swabbed the vile. 2ml in and all air out. Changd pins. Swabbed quad. Pinned and used slow force to apply.

Thats UGL gear there will, not stuff youd ever find in a real pharmacy.
Chances are you're getting some nasty infections from it too.

You say a doctor gave this to you?
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I've run a cycle before but pinned glute. First time had slight reaction but never again. Decided to go to a virgin muscle this cycle and that's when it went haywire. Cant help but freak out a little
Its been tested numerous times before. All on the up and up. Not going into much detail but yes dr has had play in the whole operation.
It's your body bud.
If it were me, I would dump that gear and run as fast as I could away from that "doctor".
This whole thing sounds beyond shady.
Thats UGL gear there will, not stuff youd ever find in a real pharmacy.
Chances are you're getting some nasty infections from it too.

You say a doctor gave this to you?

Yeah a dr has a hand in it. This stuff has been running here for a while. Even cycled it myself before. Just changed things up and it didn't go so well
Could have went with sustanon 250 but things have run so smooth for everyone for so long I stuck to this. Now I'm ready to cut my own leg off its in such pain
I'm not sure what more you're looking for.
It sounds like you know what you're doing when it comes to the actual injection.
Regardless of whether or not your Sustaplex contains test or not isn't in question, it's the sterility of it that's likely causing your problems.

Austin's advice above is sound, if it's still present tomorrow see a different doctor.