Alright so after years of lingering around I finally got into my first cycle. I'm two pins in now of Test E, 250mg per ml one ml shots twice a week,the standard first cycle. I'm using 25g x 1" pins, swab vial, draw with 18g needle, swap to the 25. First pin was middle felt 2 fingers down from top of delt. Slow injection allowing the muscle to accept at its own pace, no issues right after or rest of night. Roll muscle with foam roller. 2nd day after site was swollen, rock hard. My arm basically wouldn't go above 90 for three days, pretty painful but not intolerable . Two days ago I decided to try my quad, mid outer area same routine. Next day fine, two days following pretty much unable to walk without a serious limp and leg absolutely will not bend far. Pain is pretty intense to touch or when I put weight on it. It's woken me up in the night with pain. Basically if this keeps up I'm gonna lose muscle from the lack of appetite and non stop Advil!
So I've read lots and talked to a few guys might just be my body doesn't like it and will take time, maybe bad gear maybe not. There's no OE listed on the bottle that aparantly can cause reactions. Next pin I will be warming the site and the oil first and trying that. Any other tips or feedback or can anyone relate? I'd like to say I do have pretty solid pain tolerance so it's not like I'm exaggerating this shit has been crippling me!
So I've read lots and talked to a few guys might just be my body doesn't like it and will take time, maybe bad gear maybe not. There's no OE listed on the bottle that aparantly can cause reactions. Next pin I will be warming the site and the oil first and trying that. Any other tips or feedback or can anyone relate? I'd like to say I do have pretty solid pain tolerance so it's not like I'm exaggerating this shit has been crippling me!