Post Injection Pain - First Cycle Start


New member
Alright so after years of lingering around I finally got into my first cycle. I'm two pins in now of Test E, 250mg per ml one ml shots twice a week,the standard first cycle. I'm using 25g x 1" pins, swab vial, draw with 18g needle, swap to the 25. First pin was middle felt 2 fingers down from top of delt. Slow injection allowing the muscle to accept at its own pace, no issues right after or rest of night. Roll muscle with foam roller. 2nd day after site was swollen, rock hard. My arm basically wouldn't go above 90 for three days, pretty painful but not intolerable . Two days ago I decided to try my quad, mid outer area same routine. Next day fine, two days following pretty much unable to walk without a serious limp and leg absolutely will not bend far. Pain is pretty intense to touch or when I put weight on it. It's woken me up in the night with pain. Basically if this keeps up I'm gonna lose muscle from the lack of appetite and non stop Advil!

So I've read lots and talked to a few guys might just be my body doesn't like it and will take time, maybe bad gear maybe not. There's no OE listed on the bottle that aparantly can cause reactions. Next pin I will be warming the site and the oil first and trying that. Any other tips or feedback or can anyone relate? I'd like to say I do have pretty solid pain tolerance so it's not like I'm exaggerating this shit has been crippling me!
Should also mention I'm pretty lean and stocky, especially in the quads so lots of muscle, very little fat.
It's virgin muscle. It's too be expected. But don't inject in the same spot again until it is feeling better.

Stop using the foam roller after your inject. Don't massage it either. Just let it be. That stuff makes it worse.
While I agree 100% with Megatron.

Just wanted to add that I've noticed that some users are More Sensitive to Test E then they are to Test C.
At one time it was because there was Carbolic Acid in the Raw Powder that all the Producers were using.
But it's all but been eliminated in the last couple of years.

On another Forum, guys have been cutting the Test E with some additional Carrier Oil or another Compound like Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate).
To bring the MG/ML Concentration of the Test E down a bit, and that's been helping.

Give it another week, and if there's still No Improvement, that could be a solution.
The other would be to Switch to Test C, which seems to be More Tolerable for the Majority of users...................... JP
Massaging should not be necessary and will not help. My guess is your body doesnt like E....I would try C. Otherwise you may have some dirty gear.
Good luck bro
Alright thanks for the advice couple buds recommended foam rolling to help disperse it, worked for them. Leg is a little better today thankfully. As far as the gear it's the same batch my friend is currently running with no issues so hopefully that's not either and switching to C isn't something I can afford I just bought a house. I'll keep everyone posted over next week. I'm going shoulder again tonight because I can't afford to do glute and lose both legs I'll really be useless! But glute will be next once my right leg recovers.
Alright thanks for the advice couple buds recommended foam rolling to help disperse it, worked for them. Leg is a little better today thankfully. As far as the gear it's the same batch my friend is currently running with no issues so hopefully that's not either and switching to C isn't something I can afford I just bought a house. I'll keep everyone posted over next week. I'm going shoulder again tonight because I can't afford to do glute and lose both legs I'll really be useless! But glute will be next once my right leg recovers.

get ready for more pip then if you want to massage it. i never massage a pin area.
So I pinned my glute, same leg last night with a new vial, warmed the liquid, no massage post pin. She's pretty tender this morning slight throb. If it gets better from here I'll consider it a success and pin the same shoulder I hit first to see if 2nd pin in same muscle fares better. If not Im thinking of getting a vial of a different brand gear from another source to try. If it goes better I'll switch, if it doesn't I might be throwing in the towel maybe it's not for me and off ramping. I'm assuming pct protocol would still be the same? 2 weeks post pin start the Nolva and clomid? Would I shorten the length of pct though?
I always get PIP beginning of every cycle, even non virgin muscles.
Specially quads always hurts the first 2-3ish pins on each side.

I also get PIP mid cycle occasionally in every muscle.

I did use foam roller once on a pip area... Lets just say I won't ever do that again....holy fuck it made 10 times worse.
Dont think P/C/E ester would make a difference, its just part of the game.

And you'll find out some muscles you'll hate doing, mine is shoulders, while I like doing quads (yes, everyone is different, shocking right) :P
This is my second week, going on fourth pin Saturday.
I'm not sure obviously as I've never cycled before but it feels like I'm a little further past just standard pip. I mean I can handle pain pretty good but when half my quad is rock hard and swollen I can't walk even if I want to it just didn't work.
This is my second week, going on fourth pin Saturday.
I'm not sure obviously as I've never cycled before but it feels like I'm a little further past just standard pip. I mean I can handle pain pretty good but when half my quad is rock hard and swollen I can't walk even if I want to it just didn't work.

I had so bad pip I couldn't sit down to take a shit because the tension was just insane. And walking with a limp.
I've had issues walking from PIP in ventro glute.

You're using test e, which means it will be like this for about 6-10 days after injection.
Long as its not red, hot to the touch and super swollen (think puss swollen) you are fine bro, remember, no gain without pain ;)

Edit. Saw its your first time, i remember my first insane pip and i contemplated going to the doctor but came here first and was given a similar response as I gave you now :)
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Appreciate the advice guys. 2nd day after glute pin and it is significantly better than the rest were. I would rate the pain/tenderness as a minor annoyance at most. Maybe glutes are my sweet spot, I've just been scared by horror stories of hitting the sciatic. Or the vial was shit as I did switch vials. I'll save it till last to try it again. Also no massaging this time post pin.
Quick couple questions although off topic of the message thread:

My HCG is coming late, I know best way to run it is through cycle but I figured a few weeks in without wouldn't hurt. Am I wrong in this thinking should I just blast at last couple weeks through up to Pct or is week 3 okay to start 250iu twice weekly?

AI - I have a bottle of armidex 1mg tabs in hand in case of estrogen sides. My understanding from past research is to not run it unless waranted as it can fuck you up if estrogen isn't high, although I've been reading conflictinng things lately. I plan to wait until 6wk blood tests or if required by side effects, Any opinions on this?
My first few cycles, I just pinned glutes (alternating) since I only went twice a week. Your muscle has a week to recover before getting stuck again. Once I started doing stuff that required daily injections, I moved to quads, delts, etc. I would just say stick with the glutes.... but that’s just me.
Quick couple questions although off topic of the message thread:

My HCG is coming late, I know best way to run it is through cycle but I figured a few weeks in without wouldn't hurt. Am I wrong in this thinking should I just blast at last couple weeks through up to Pct or is week 3 okay to start 250iu twice weekly?

AI - I have a bottle of armidex 1mg tabs in hand in case of estrogen sides. My understanding from past research is to not run it unless waranted as it can fuck you up if estrogen isn't high, although I've been reading conflictinng things lately. I plan to wait until 6wk blood tests or if required by side effects, Any opinions on this?

Everyone is different but personally... I need an AI just running HCG and not even testerone. That's how sensitive I am :p
Be proactive, run an AI, verify with bloodwork at week 6.
Thanks Santa. Just to double check. . 5 adex eod okay? They are in 1mg pills so it'd be tough but I suppose I could split into 4 and do. 25 daily.
I do .25 twice per for me but we are all a little different. And can start your hcg whenever as long as you drop it before pct and adjust your ai if necessary.
Quick couple questions although off topic of the message thread:

My HCG is coming late, I know best way to run it is through cycle but I figured a few weeks in without wouldn't hurt. Am I wrong in this thinking should I just blast at last couple weeks through up to Pct or is week 3 okay to start 250iu twice weekly?

AI - I have a bottle of armidex 1mg tabs in hand in case of estrogen sides. My understanding from past research is to not run it unless waranted as it can fuck you up if estrogen isn't high, although I've been reading conflictinng things lately. I plan to wait until 6wk blood tests or if required by side effects, Any opinions on this?

You do not know all the sides from High n Low Estrogen in men. IT's apparent by you wanting to have the side make themselves obvious before any preventative medicine care is taken from the get go... Some of the sides are not prevalent to one's person but have a lot to do with all the the reasons he doesn't feel on top. And recognize that the sides can also hinder how our cycle becomes a good gainer or not.

You need to do some studying on Estrogen, progesterone , and Prolactin. I will tell you this... the time your Test Level gets a boost up above where it is or natty so will your Estrogen climb..... And what does Simple Simon tell us ?? test up ... Estrogen up. Higher then what you need WILL CAUSE high estrogen sides.

Look them up or I can post them for you...
At any rate can you tell me how long it would take any unwanted sides from high E2 to take effect ??? I will tell you NOT LONG AT ALL.... so for the most part by your way I'd have to start out putting out a fire... hello ? can you explain... Also can you explain why holding off until the sides are prevalent to begin treatment for such ??

Pinning the age old Q's.... No matter who you are, no matter how experienced on IM injections... we all are subject to some PIP once in a while.
Just pay attention to the suggestions to follow and it will dissipate as your and your body mature .
