a little help please! swollen bad

That's what I'm gonna do, was just wondering if others had gone through similar circumstances and what there outcomes where. Seen where others have gone through this but comparibly wasn't sure how bad I was jacked up. U get to a point where ur mind starts to run wild so I like to see what others think. Appreciate all the help though
Well you did pin 2cc of Sustanon (sust) in your leg and its your first pin ever.....The oil needs to absorb and im sure your muscle is agitated, are you feeling ill? temp? hives? Im not a doctor by any means so you should get medical advice.
depending the gear and if you didnt pinn deep enough in the muscle,2ccs Sustanon (sust), especially a virgin muscle.
Not ill, no hives, but leg is a little warm to the touch. Just locked up and can't bend it and swollen as hell. Ran it before so wasn't thinking virgin muscle and doing a lesser dose first. Pinned with 22guage inch and half and all the way in. Checked for wash and there was none. Eveything went how it should have besides that I know I went to much for a virgin muscle.
From what I've read here...
You have "pharma grade" shit from a UGL that is probably dirty...unless you did in fact forget to swab the injection site or vile but just thought you did...accidents do happen...

And by sayin your doc knows, I'm guessing you mean he knows you cycle...

So go see your doc asap...
End of story...stay safe brother
One thing remains that could correlate with your symptoms. This is not common, however, in some cases you may have either not gone deep enough into the muscle, or simple landed in the wrong spot. Oil can leak and travel in between your muscle and epimysium sheath. With quad injections, it's likely to pool up at the knee. This can cause some irritation over expanded areas, beyond the injection site. It also prolongs/extends absorption time, leaving you with discomfort for extended periods.

This was from another post.


The reason why I post this it seems you have a large pool right above your knee so i could be wrong.Was it a 1 inch needle that you used?

Get well soon.
Update please?

Did you go to the ER/ Doctor yet?

I'm glad you included a picture because SOOOOO many people complain about the virgin muscle pain but this actually looks serious. Your right leg is almost twice the size of your left in that picture. Anyhow what happened?
One thing remains that could correlate with your symptoms. This is not common, however, in some cases you may have either not gone deep enough into the muscle, or simple landed in the wrong spot. Oil can leak and travel in between your muscle and epimysium sheath. With quad injections, it's likely to pool up at the knee. This can cause some irritation over expanded areas, beyond the injection site. It also prolongs/extends absorption time, leaving you with discomfort for extended periods.

This was from another post.


The reason why I post this it seems you have a large pool right above your knee so i could be wrong.Was it a 1 inch needle that you used?

Get well soon.
1.5 needle. But ur right about pooling around the knee
Pinned on monday, went to wifes dr on friday. Told the dr the deal and she said infection had definatly set in. Got a shot of antibiotics and more to take over the next few days. Gotta keep it elevated with warm compressions. Follow up with the dr on monday. Still swollen and sore, but swelling is starting to reside.

She had thought of trying to aspirate it but thought at this point it may be worse to do
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Had similar issue...stay on a good dose of antibiotics and get rid of that gear and try different brand after the leg returns to normal.
Only thing we can come up with is that the pinned may have moved around and it it didn't all get into the muscle. Shouldnt have waited so long to go to the dr either but I've had slight swelling that has went away fast before. Thought the virgin muscle could have been the issue but turns out that didn't play a factor in this.
Sustaplex is a trade name for a blend done by Axio labs. This "doctor" is selling you UGL gear my friend. Glad you got the infection taken care of, but I'd seriously rethink your doctor-patient relationship.
$100 10ml gear, a few hundred dollars estimated dr bills, $1800 one weeks wages lost,
The fact I'll never use that gear again........ priceless lol
$100 10ml gear, a few hundred dollars estimated dr bills, $1800 one weeks wages lost,
The fact I'll never use that gear again........ priceless lol

Sucks but part of the game, yea man get yourself some good gear and you should be good next time.

Hope it goes away soon and you're back in action. Quads are deadly.