a little help please.....


New member
alright iam starting my 1st cycle monday! i was going to do it a while ago but i wanted to wait a little while and read up on it more.anyhow iam doing the following:
sust 500mg/week (weeks 18)
a-bomb 50mg/day (weeks 1-4)
i have Nolvadex on hand and i also have clomid.
should i use the nolvadex through the whole cycle or just if i have to use it? also iam going to do 500mg a week so i have to inject twice a week.what two days would be best?

Bro I am anything but conserative when it comes to cycling but even I would urge against using anadrol in your first cycle. The stuff is very harsh and really there is no need for it in your first cycle. It makes me sick, probably because my liver is reeling.

I really recommend using dianabol instead.

Either way, please protect your liver with ALA, vitamins C & E, selenium, etc.

Whether or not to run the nolva even without problems is a judgment call. I would do it but then I don't like getting all bloated.

Monday/Thursday would work fine for your twice weekly injections.
agree with Trevdog.

And 18 weeks of testo is a long ass cycle. I would say the last 6 weeks are a complete waste of juice
Kim the Swede said:
agree with Trevdog.

And 18 weeks of testo is a long ass cycle. I would say the last 6 weeks are a complete waste of juice

I'll bet he meant to put a dash between the 1 & 8......1-8 weeks....not 18 weeks.

and yes......forget about the Drol.