A new cycle, critique the shit out of me!


New member
Been awhile since I've actively been browsing through the steroidology site, I've missed your witty remarks! I'm looking to start another cycle, this will be my 2nd official run. I'm 6'0, roughly 220 lbs now. I gained about 16 lbs on my first cycle, (test prop) and I retained about 5-6 lbs of it. I've been eating roughly 4,000 cal a day. 252g of protein and around 500-600g of carbs. I'm looking to put on some quality weight, and my diet has helped thus far. My daily intake calories I need to maintain my weight is 3200, mostly because of my high level of physical activity. I play for a semi-pro football team and I would like to reach the next level but need to add some weight! I'm thinking of running test prop @ 100mg EOD, but I would like some advice to go with that! Keep in mind I'm about to graduate college and I'm not rolling in $$. I welcome all advice/critique! Help me out guys!
I ran prop at 100mg EOD for 12 weeks. Its been about 10 months since my post cycle therapy (pct). I know time on equals time off, so it's been enough time. My strength increased, put on around 15 lbs. I didn't run anything with the prop last time, so I'm curious is I should this time? I would like help to lay out a cycle with doasge, combination and post cycle therapy (pct). I'm just not exactly sure what works the best together. I wanted to post some pictures on here shirtless, different angles and poses, but for the life of my I can't find my camera charger to charge the damn thing. When I find it I want to take pics so everyone can critique every aspect of my body!
Did you lean out on your diet plan with the prop while gaining muscle or did you stay relatively the same bf?

Any atrophy? If so you could run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) along cycle to prevent it this time...

How's your joints? You could toss in something to promote collagen synthesis... If u do prop again make sure it's a short ester

Maybe try a dbol or Tbol kickstart this time or end it with that or some var

What was your post cycle therapy (pct) and how smooth was it? You could try torem this time, tons of positive things being said about torem for post cycle therapy (pct)...

Lots of options
I stayed relatively the same BF. I think I got some bad advice from a guy telling me I could eat whatever I wanted because I was on steroids. I actually didn't have any atrophy, which I though was kind of strange. I got my stuff from the owner of my team, and I always kinda questioned if it was legit or not. My joints weren't bad, but you've got to remember I play football so all of my body is usually sore in some way. I'm definately going to toss some Dbol in to jump start it, I've read very good things. For post cycle therapy (pct) i just ran Nolva. It was my first cycle and I didn't get alot of direction on where to take things. I created a log on here awhile back, probably about a year ago. So here's what I'm thinking so far. Help me along Not7Fifteen.

Week 1-12 Test Prop 100mg EOD
Week 1-4 Dbol (dosage???)

What would you think about tossing in some Winstrol weeks 5-12? Would this be beneficial or not worth it? Bad combination? Also I think I'm going to run Clomid post cycle therapy (pct)?? THoughts on that?
run the dbol at 40mg ed. IMO I prefer nolvadex over clomid and would run the nolvadex 40/40/20/20. I havent tried torem yet but it seems to be the consensus that it's better than both and relatively the same price. Lil more expensive. Anyway, that would be a good solid cycle. Prop, Dbol, post cycle therapy (pct). You would definitely notice the difference. Keep in mind that alot of the weight gained with dbol is water. If you want a more solid gain go with dbol's lil brother Tbol.
dtinhp I was just reading your comments on another user with test prop! It's funny how I clicked to check mine and you put your knowledge to work. Ok so Tbol would work a little better for more solid gains? I've haven't seen as much chat about Tbol as I have about Dbol, but if its better I'm game. I'm going to place my order probably friday when my tax return comes back, so hopefully I'll have all this ironed out by then!!
dont get me wrong, if u want sheer mass, dbol is def the way to go, but again, a ton of bloat. Tbol, would be about the same as far as strength gains are concerned. The mass would b less but u would be keeping more of it. IMO I would choose Tbol at about 60mg ed for 6wks. But for me I dont like to blow up and deflate. I always gain a lot of water weight w/out something to counter it. Also keep in mind sides r a lot less as far as tbol goes. Less BP and if ur sensitive to gyno then dbol would def trigger it. hope this helps