-A new cycle tren/anavar/test questions-


New member
Starting this cycle whenever I have these few clarification questions answered and everything sorted out.
1. This is going to be my second cycle.
2. I have been bodybuilding for 10 years.
3. Stats are 172 @ 7-8% bodyfat, height 5'8"
Last but not least, yes I know the potency of tren. I have researched anabolics for many years before I ever started but as we all know the more questions
asked but better.

So the cycle:
Testosterone enanthate - 500mg/w weeks 1-12
Anavar - 80mg/ed weeks 4-12
Trenbolone-acetate - 75mg/eod weeks 4-12

Hcg- (questions here on amount to run and when [if at all])
Cabergoline- (Going to try to have this on hand during cycle but also wandering but .25mg taken twice a week?)
Clomid day after last injection 4 weeks 50/50/30/30

Does this look right or would you change some things?
And also the pct part is whats mostly in questions here as you can see im still working on it.
Is the clomid amounts right? Should I be using caber during cycle? Should i be using both caber and hcg during cycle?

Let me know what you thoughts are, thanks in advance.
I'm not going to put my input in till I ask... Wat was your first cycle??? And did u have a pct in place then? Wat are u like for responding to the substancesu had previously taken... Acne, gyno etc.... It'll give me better idea to answer your questions.
Wat I will say tren second cycle? That's a no no

I have been around the game and its players to know what im getting into. I don't want to come off as idiotic in putting tren into a second cycle, but it's a step im ready to take.

I have also competed any many NPC shows (off topic) at the amateur level and was possibly planning on going for a future pro card, but that's miles ahead of what im ready to delve into atm since I need to see the mass come that could put me into that league of competition.

The first cycle I did was test 600 mg/w with zero sides. responded very well and kept the lean mass gained.
Pct was armadex and nolva.
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If u have been in the game for so long then why are you asking entry level questions? All this research you claim to have done didn't answer that for you? Bullshit! Go read the beginner cycle stickys. Your full of shit...
If u have been in the game for so long then why are you asking entry level questions? All this research you claim to have done didn't answer that for you? Bullshit! Go read the beginner cycle stickys. Your full of shit...

There isn't need for immature non-sense like this.
If you can't read, try going elsewhere.
I clearly state I understand, I just want further clarification because I always get clarification through multiple sources not just one like most idiots on the internet.

If there is anyone that can help, it would be appreciated.
Where is your AI? What AI dose did you run in your first cycle?

Why no Nolva for PCT along with the Clomid? What PCT did you run after your first cycle? How level did your TT return to after PCT compared to your pre-cycle baseline levels?

Why not run deca for a second cycle instead of Tren? You know this is a marathon, not a sprint. Why jump into Tren so early and so inexperienced?
There isn't need for immature non-sense like this.
If you can't read, try going elsewhere.
I clearly state I understand, I just want further clarification because I always get clarification through multiple sources not just one like most idiots on the internet.

If there is anyone that can help, it would be appreciated.
what are your current stats??


telling you not to run tren on your second cycle isn't immature.. its responsible.. you have ABSOLUTELY no need to run tren.. there are other compounds that will get you where you want to go and running tren your second cycle is like putting your queen out in the second move of a chess match.. its tactically unsound
Where is your AI? What AI dose did you run in your first cycle?

Why no Nolva for PCT along with the Clomid? What PCT did you run after your first cycle? How level did your TT return to after PCT compared to your pre-cycle baseline levels?

Why not run deca for a second cycle instead of Tren? You know this is a marathon, not a sprint. Why jump into Tren so early and so inexperienced?

First of all, thank you very much for your response.

I did run nolva and armadex on my first cycle and it went very well, but I was under the impression clomid was a better option for tren.
I also thought about running deca instead like you suggest, and this very well may be what i end up doing.
Like i said though, the other two substances I have already experienced and was ready to add in a 3rd and heavier one, though tren is probably the heaviest, this is well understood.

what are your current stats??


telling you not to run tren on your second cycle isn't immature.. its responsible.. you have ABSOLUTELY no need to run tren.. there are other compounds that will get you where you want to go and running tren your second cycle is like putting your queen out in the second move of a chess match.. its tactically unsound

currently 7% bf

It wasn't necessarily the advice, it was the way he presented it.
I knew before I even made the post I was going to get skepticism on tren being in the cycle, but that's ok as that is the reason I made this post, for healthy scrutiny.
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Here is the cycle so far, as I have been convinced by a few other threads and people tren is not the way to go regardless of knowledge, ill chalk it up to their experience.

I think the Anavar can be pulled back to week one since tren wont be in the mix, and Deca usually taking 2 weeks post shot to stop inhibiting, ill continue the test until then.

Would you start the pct immediately after deca or wait until after the cycle is complete?
Lastly, thinking of running both clomid and nolva after doing so more research, how does this look?

12 week cycle
Testosterone enanthate - 500mg/w weeks 1-12
Anavar - 80mg/ed weeks 8-12
Deca Durabolin - 400mg/w weeks 1-10

During cycle therapy
HCG - 250iu twice a week (500 per week)
Aromasin -12.5mg ed
Prami on hand

Clomid 100/50/50/50
Novla 40/20/20/20
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Run the cycle longer. Deca takes time to kick in. 10 weeks on it is too short. And another two-four weeks to your cycle.

Definitely have Prami on hand. Don't run Deca without having it. Make sure you know what your baseline Prolactin level is prior to starting your cycle to you have a comparison.

Take NAC for your liver.

When are you planning on starting PCT?
12 weeks of an oral is a long time. Either drop the var or do it last 4-6 weeks of cycle. Hcg can be lowered to 250 iu twice a week. Aromasin is to be taken daily due to its half life. You got some more researching to do...
12 weeks of an oral is a long time. Either drop the var or do it last 4-6 weeks of cycle. Hcg can be lowered to 250 iu twice a week. Aromasin is to be taken daily due to its half life. You got some more researching to do...

I did do the research and understand where you're coming from with the aromasin, but I was also told that it was fine to keep it eod unless sides start then to just increase dosage to ed, however this was just one source so thank you for your reply.

Run the cycle longer. Deca takes time to kick in. 10 weeks on it is too short. And another two-four weeks to your cycle.

Definitely have Prami on hand. Don't run Deca without having it. Make sure you know what your baseline Prolactin level is prior to starting your cycle to you have a comparison.

Take NAC for your liver.

When are you planning on starting PCT?

The starting point of the PCT was one of my biggest questions, and i think I will be reducing the length of the var or possibly removing it all together for this cycle since currently it's benefits for me personally are unknown so I may do a small period like stated above at the end of the cycle.

So here is where I'm at,

12 week cycle
Testosterone enanthate - 500mg/w weeks 1-12
Anavar - 80mg/ed weeks 8-12
Deca Durabolin - 400mg/w weeks 1-10

During cycle therapy
HCG - 250iu twice a week (500 per week)
Aromasin -12.5mg ed
Prami on hand

Pct (Still need to fine tune the timing/amounts here)
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Novla 40/20/20/20
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Deca needs to be run longer than 10 weeks as I said earlier. It has a long ester.

Start PCT 3 weeks after the last injection.