Starting this cycle whenever I have these few clarification questions answered and everything sorted out.
1. This is going to be my second cycle.
2. I have been bodybuilding for 10 years.
3. Stats are 172 @ 7-8% bodyfat, height 5'8"
Last but not least, yes I know the potency of tren. I have researched anabolics for many years before I ever started but as we all know the more questions
asked but better.
So the cycle:
Testosterone enanthate - 500mg/w weeks 1-12
Anavar - 80mg/ed weeks 4-12
Trenbolone-acetate - 75mg/eod weeks 4-12
Hcg- (questions here on amount to run and when [if at all])
Cabergoline- (Going to try to have this on hand during cycle but also wandering but .25mg taken twice a week?)
Clomid day after last injection 4 weeks 50/50/30/30
Does this look right or would you change some things?
And also the pct part is whats mostly in questions here as you can see im still working on it.
Is the clomid amounts right? Should I be using caber during cycle? Should i be using both caber and hcg during cycle?
Let me know what you thoughts are, thanks in advance.
1. This is going to be my second cycle.
2. I have been bodybuilding for 10 years.
3. Stats are 172 @ 7-8% bodyfat, height 5'8"
Last but not least, yes I know the potency of tren. I have researched anabolics for many years before I ever started but as we all know the more questions
asked but better.
So the cycle:
Testosterone enanthate - 500mg/w weeks 1-12
Anavar - 80mg/ed weeks 4-12
Trenbolone-acetate - 75mg/eod weeks 4-12
Hcg- (questions here on amount to run and when [if at all])
Cabergoline- (Going to try to have this on hand during cycle but also wandering but .25mg taken twice a week?)
Clomid day after last injection 4 weeks 50/50/30/30
Does this look right or would you change some things?
And also the pct part is whats mostly in questions here as you can see im still working on it.
Is the clomid amounts right? Should I be using caber during cycle? Should i be using both caber and hcg during cycle?
Let me know what you thoughts are, thanks in advance.