A question

J.C Derksen

New member
Which is better Test or Sust,I can get both right now and want to know which I should go with,it's Test Cyp if that makes a difference.
Depends IMO. There is no MAJOR difference as one has a straight long acting ester and the other has a long acting ester with a prop ester as well.

What are the brands and how much are you going to run a week?
What is the better bargain in terms of $$$?
J.C Derksen said:
Which is better Test or Sust,I can get both right now and want to know which I should go with,it's Test Cyp if that makes a difference.

I have used both single ester and multiple ester tests in the past, and to be honest with you I had better results with a multiple ester test than a single one. One think though I was using redijects which are pharmaceutical in comparison to the single ester ones I used by Ttokkyo and QV.

Like Tazmaniac asked what are the prices and brands of the tests to help you decide which one to get!
The Test is Upjohn,the Sustanon (sust) I'm not sure.I have heard Upjohn has good products is this true.The Sustanon (sust) is Russian I think,could be Indian.
I react better to a single ester Test, like Enan. or Cyp. Will this be your first cycle? How old are you? What are your stats?
First cycle, I would go with Test Enan. or Cyp.@400-500mgs./week, two inj. per week Mon./Thurs. for 8-10 weeks. Don't forget post cycle therapy with clomid.
Take 2 sustanon/week for 8 weeks. Have nolvadex on hand for any gyno appearance.
Use clomid starting 20 days after your last shot of susta. After 15 days if you chose cypionate.
I'd go with the Upjohn IMO if they are relatively the same price.

I'd run it at 500mg's for 10 weeks. For a first cycle, you'll love it.

Get yourself some clomid, and 3 weeks after your last shot, take 300mg's day 1, 100mg day 2 and 3, and 50mg till day 21. I'd also throw in some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as well, but that's just me. I'll never do a cycle without it again.
Tazmaniac said:

I'd run it at 500mg's for 10 weeks. For a first cycle, you'll love it.

Get yourself some clomid, and 3 weeks after your last shot, take 300mg's day 1, 100mg day 2 and 3, and 50mg till day 21. I'd also throw in some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as well, but that's just me. I'll never do a cycle without it again.

Solid cycle/advice. You should put on some good lbm with this cycle above. Just make sure you keep your diet in check, train hard, and get enough rest!

Wouldn't hurt to have an anit-a on hand either!:)
It definitely wouldn't hurt to have some Novaldex on hand. It's cheap enough, and it won't "potentially" hinder his gains, like Arimidex or any of the big anti-e's.
Thanks guys,i've asked people on some other boards and didn't get any good advice.You guys gave me more options and doses than the other boards.
Tazmaniac said:
I'd go with the Upjohn IMO if they are relatively the same price.

I'd run it at 500mg's for 10 weeks. For a first cycle, you'll love it.

Get yourself some clomid, and 3 weeks after your last shot, take 300mg's day 1, 100mg day 2 and 3, and 50mg till day 21. I'd also throw in some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as well, but that's just me. I'll never do a cycle without it again.

Couldnt agree more. The common consensous on this board is 400-500mg test/week in 8-10 week as a first cycle.
J.C Derksen said:
Thanks guys,i've asked people on some other boards and didn't get any good advice.You guys gave me more options and doses than the other boards.

We aim to please :)