A time to kill


New member
If this get s out of hand I ll delete the whole damn thing.

In my other thread about 9-11 several opinions were shared and I respect them all. Mostly I respect the right..or willingness to agree to disagree.

Now I noticed a lot of my Canadian and other cultured friends expressed a real reluctance to take a human life and that is a wonderful way to live and go through life. And I hope you never see things some of US who have been there..I mean..in a hot zone. Be it deployed in a war zone in a hell hole like so many of our American inner cities have become...or our southern border for instance.

Religious zealots who kill in the name of their religion, , political fanatics who kill to achieve their aims, or drug cartel/ human traffickers who have place zero value in anything or anyone who stands to block they re aims, goal s or profit...NEED KILLING. I M O. A human life has become so cheap in New Orleans, 1 hour away from me...the brothers are killing each other off so fast it is not news worthy anymore. The poor mislead people who are raised to kill US over there...the cartel s...need killing. Period. U can t rehab a 3 time loser in court. You can t give quarter to a human trafficker. A lot of European countries have banned capitol punishment. You sodomise a child you need to be shot. In public. Not studied at a cost of 100k a year. And released to do it again. There are, I m o opinion actions which call for 1 thing. Terminate.

We Americans live in a very violent country but if you know where not to go when your probably going to be OK. I keep a gun by my bed. When I road trip in my car. Am I looking to kill ? NO. Do I show off my guns...NO. Will I sit and get home invaded or car jacked or watch my girls victimized HELL NO. My 9 is as much a part of me as my boots..or pants. My neighborhood is safe. But the bad guy s are ranging out. Home invasion s are up. I got motion detection lights. I got a sign that say s BURGLARS WILL BE KILLED IN MY WINDOW OF MY SCREEN DOOR. I pray I never have to do it. Really. I m no cowboy.
I refuse to be a victim.
Did u see the mayhem after Katrina? I stayed. It was fkn crazy. Gunfire for 2 nights till the ARMY locked them fuckers down.

Soldiers follow orders. Cops have it hardest as if they make a bad call..or tear up the background...they are fucked. Our inner cities celebrate thug life and drive byes. Jail time is cool. Ya ll living in countries where murders are newsworthy have no idea how hard we have to make our hearts. Better you than me. It s to late to change our gun laws. There 600 million guns out there. I embrace your compassion for human life and I salute it. I won t get into poverty vs demographics. I know the truth.

If I d shot that fucker in the back I d been crucified. I lowered my weapon and went to pursue...bad call. I wonder if killing that piece of shit would bother me more than my knee or my ENDLESS headaches. I ll never know. He s dead and I m glad.

I do not judge liberal live and live types. Ever. Come to my house at night and force an entry...I ll shoot you thruogh my door. Hurt 1 of my ladies or son..I ll peel your fuckin face off and show it to you If I get a hold of you. A good defense is a good offense...or the threat of it...deterrence if you will....is how we live down south.

I may delete this. See where it goes.
Well said T. I think that a big portion of the discontent from the other thread was because in my post I sound like I was looking forward to taking life. All I can tell you is that in that moment (post 9/11) I would have had no problem with it. Not just any lives. The lives of terrorist fucking scumbags. You know the same fucks that are cutting off American heads every chance they get?

When I was in high school the gulf war was going on. I remember it was then that I decided I wanted to become a U.S. Marine. I scored high enough to get quite a few different jobs upon entry, but I CHOSE to be an infantry-man. I told myself that if the shit ever hit the fan again that I wanted to be someone who makes a difference. I didn't want to be in the rear with the gear. Another big influence in my decision to serve was my fascination with our greatest generation of Americans like my Grandfather. WWII vets in particular. Those men and women were fighting for a cause and were united in every sense of the word.

My Grandfather was very proud of me for joining the Marines as he was a Navy man himself. I served my 4 years and readily trained for combat. I traveled the world and had a chance to see every shithole known to man. I remember being in Africa and doing security while in port. We got word that we had to pull out early due to a terrorist threat. I was manning a 50cal machine gun on the deck of the ship. I remember having people in my sights and at that very moment thinking that I hoped I'm not the one to have to do this, but at the same thinking if one of these fools starts popping rounds they're going down with a quickness. Luckily the ship pulled out without incident. The point I'm trying to make is that like T said when it comes down to it it's either you or them. Well I most certainly didn't want it to be me or any of my buddies.

We do what we have to do, when we have to do it. I guess that is why I think that everyone should be required to serve their country in some capacity in the armed forces. I think it would give a better understanding and appreciation for men and women in uniform.

After 9/11 when I went back in the Corps for another 2 years, did I have hate in my body? hell yes I did. I can tell you this much. I was one intense mother fucker on my flight to Germany after 9/11. I watched anyone who looked of middle eastern decent like a hawk. I honestly thought and still think every time I step foot on an airplane that it could be my last trip. I'll be honest I racial profile. I live in a place where there is a large and I mean large population of Iraqi refugees. I don't trust a single one of them. The terror cells live among us. The people who crashed the planes into the towers were living right here where I live.

How am I to help how I feel given all that has happened? I'm not happy that I feel the way I feel, but it keeps me alert always. When we go into a restaurant or theme park, etc my head is always on a swivel. Even when I'm driving down the road I am always aware of my surrounds. I never sit with my back to a door. The reason for that is because I don't trust people and I want to protect my family. For what it's worth I don't even own a gun, so awareness has to be my first line of defense. I have actually given my family instructions on what to do in certain situations if I see something out of place and feel something could happen. How about going to a movie theater after that nut job walked into batman? I think about that every time I take my kids to the movies. I let them know what to do if that was to happen etc.

I also used to workout in a gym where some middle eastern guys had T-shirts made that read allah in big black letters on the front. These guys would do reps and yell out allah! on the exhale. I was fucking furious, but what could I do? I knew they were doing it just to provoke an incident, so I quit them gym.

I guess all I'm trying to say through this rant is we all see things different and I'm just trying to give you a fraction of what I've seen that has made me the way I am today.

Call me what you will, but there are some human lives that I just don't value. This is the world we live in. There is a "time to kill".
I'll get the first part out of the way right off the bat. Yes there is a time to kill. Multiple guns in each room in my house is a very real reminder of that.

Just for clarification on my post in the other thread. Well first I'll start by saying an overwhelmingly large portion of my family on both my wife and my side are in some form of service be it military (mostly army), police (both federal and local), and correctional (both federal and state level). I don't dismiss the daily life of any person who chooses to be in a line of work that forces them to make very hard decisions.

The main point of my post is what hate can do to you. It's hard to separate the bad parts of your job from who you are. It can quickly taint your core and it's so hard to see the world the same. I think any person in any of these career fields (as well as any other fields I left out) should keep that in the forefront of their mind. It's something that rings very loud to me, as I'm struggling to learn how to find that balance.

I've seen enough in my career to make me view every citizen as literately an enemy. I can't stand when anyone I don't know walks up to me to ask a question. I've fallen into the us against them mentality. It's only made worst when I watch the news, and god forbid an officer taints the badge, either by mistake or just because he / she was a p.o.s. officer, then suddenly we're all evil. Screw the fact that more officers die each year, are assaulted each year, than the few officers that cross the line. Just two days ago I had a mother calling me stupid and blaming me for her son getting high on synthetic marijuana, and damn near killing someone. In her own words it was my fault that it's being sold and I haven't stopped it, "I guess the bad guys are smarter than you." God forbid I say something back, then it ends up on the news, or at the very least I'm writing a "dear chief, I'm sorry" letter. Everybody and their grandmother will come out to condemn the police officer that hurts / kills someone before all of the evidence comes to light but all you hear is crickets when another one of us is shot.

I'm getting side tracked here.

My point is it becomes extremely important to not let things like hate dig too deep into your heart and take root, especially if you work in an overly stressful job that has you on defense from all sides (from the guys you're protecting as they will turn on you first chance they get, from the guys that you are fighting, and your employer who doesn't seem to care that much about you.) The country ask you to do a superhuman job as an average man / women, then throws you away when you fall short.

I know it isn't easy to do. I've spent a number of nights crying because truth be told I hate what I've become. ***On a side note when it gets worst enough, it starts to effects all areas of your life. My wife would be the first to tell you that. Thankfully she is a lot stronger than me, and stuck with me***
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After 9/11 when I went back in the Corps for another 2 years, did I have hate in my body? hell yes I did. I can tell you this much. I was one intense mother fucker on my flight to Germany after 9/11. I watched anyone who looked of middle eastern decent like a hawk. I honestly thought and still think every time I step foot on an airplane that it could be my last trip. I'll be honest I racial profile. I live in a place where there is a large and I mean large population of Iraqi refugees. I don't trust a single one of them. The terror cells live among us. The people who crashed the planes into the towers were living right here where I live.

I also used to workout in a gym where some middle eastern guys had T-shirts made that read allah in big black letters on the front. These guys would do reps and yell out allah! on the exhale. I was fucking furious, but what could I do? I knew they were doing it just to provoke an incident, so I quit them gym.

I guess all I'm trying to say through this rant is we all see things different and I'm just trying to give you a fraction of what I've seen that has made me the way I am today.


and here is exactly why you and i had the disagreement in the other thread..

you are assuming that every middle eastern is a terrorist cuz he is simply carrying an Iraqi passport or a middle Eastern one.. and each of of those have an intention to kill u ..therefor, a platoon with people like you with an m16 wont tell the difference between me or one of those fuckers , terrorists.. u will just shoot cuz u decided in ur mind that every middle eastern is a threat..

let me open your eyes for some facts , and i hope u take them with an open mind
1- do u realize that a person like me has more american / European friends than middle eastern ones? actually the girl i am sleeping with and the one that could be the mother of my kids is a European

2- do u realize that middle eastern heads are getting cut by those mother fuckers more than American heads, a lot more?
take a look at what happened in my city back in 2005
2005 Amman bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
do u need more statistics?? i have thousands

3- do u understand the word (alla) ? it means (god)... and middle easterns (muslims/christians/jews) use it on daily basis..
i am very far from god... and i used to use this word before taking a vodka shot in my mouth.. do u think i have intentions to shoot the russsian sexy bar tender when i say it ? look at this word like you wearing a cross on ur neck.. it means nothing more.

u ended up leaving the gym cuz of that , u should have approached the guy bench pressing near u and asked him what he meant ..
one more time you assumed he is after you..

i am ,as a middle eastern, dont evaluate people looking at their passports.. i am nothing like u .. if i was, i ll be thinking that each american is like one of those guys at abu garib prison who used to torture prisoners , http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse or like those guys who were blowing civilians with the song loud at the back ground : the roof is on fire , we dont need no water let the mother fucker burn , burn mother fucker..

no sir...not all americans are the same as we both know, i have american friends who stayed at my home, and i have more coming to my home and i assure u , they ll find more hospitality in my home than what they ll find in urs. be sure of that..

let me again end this post the same way i started the other post on the other thread..
human life is valuable , and yes.. terrorists deserve punishment.. but look where u shoot..
please .. dont act in a way , that could attract more into being a terrorist .. we both dont want this in our lives although we live in 2 different worlds.

for all those who died in the 2 towers , and for those who passed away in my city in a wedding party and hotels bombing : RIP
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All good point s. Just wanted you all to vent.....muslims are not bad...all extremists are...

And as an American I have to admit I often speak German overseas ( not in commonwealth countries) as to any...not all...expect extra treatment because of that fact...I m Merican ! And sadly I can spot em from 500 meters as most are now fat, rude and slovenly..not all.

When I m in a foreign country I try like hell to not offend, be cordial and extra polite..one of the coolest people ever to take me in was an egyptian in Holland who saw a very stoned college student in the rain. He invited me in dried me off let me shit and made tea.

We agrreeeed that people are people and generally good. All political system s can work if they stick to the plan. Inject human greed it all goes to hell. Our rich are stupid rich our middle class is clawing to stay afloat.

WHAT BURNS MY FKN ASS is when foriegnors come HERE to live and will not assimilate. You don t get a choice to pick a language at an ATM in Germany. The aisle s are not written in Turkish ( the biggest influx there ). Learn german, follow the rules..or get the fuck out.

We are giving this country away. And liberal minded prick lawyers who sue e r docs and when cuz sum illegal died as the staff could speak Spanish...are traitors. It s not the poor people s fault. It s the congress and lawyers who make a killing doing nothing and making a fortune on INS due process.

U r either legal or not. Period. I know the kids are starving down there. Does it break my heart...sorry. NOT MY KID. I got 5 kids...sort of. They need to learn birth control and self control and not send they re poor kids to degrade my kids school. My german family owns land in Paraguay we pay 4 dollars a day and turn people away all day long.. U need a german for every 10 local s to keep shit profitable there. All our workers have 4-9 kids. The Germans ? 2-4. Why ? They like nice stuff. Our countries finite resources are being sucked dry by welfare rewarded p o s that need to be sterilized after 2 kids and if u do not pay child support castrate your worthless ass.This latest influx of kids is sad but not my problem..unless one infects my kid with some banana republic desease.

America is getting soft people. It s easier to watch t v than face the truth. In 20 years I ll be dead and my kid will be bred out of existence if we do not arrest this cycle. Poverty causes crime. B fkn shit. Laziness and opportunistic pack animal s are packing our prisons. Life in prison should mean death.

ISIS is murdering several westerners...hundreds and thousand of middle easterners. More people have been killed in name of god allah budda..whatever...I m a confused catholic but real confused. No birth control is STUPID. Period. I ll never visit the Vatican again.

The tribal mentality of some old old countries do not do well under a democracy...some people sadly...only stay in line through fear of genocide. Look at a lot of African countries..Ibu vs Hutu..shi ite vs Sunni..it s sad but stat s do not lie. STATUSTICIANS DO.

One of my best buddies is a Jordanian success story. Run s restaurants. I d be embarrassed to bring Suliman to New Orleans to read the paper..4, 5 ,7 dead..a day. 34000 American s shot a year w hand guns but you can t say what demographic is responsible for 75 percent of it.

In some countries you deal x drugs your shot on Monday. U rape a lady on tuesady your castrated on Monday.

In Germany a kid caught w a knife makes national news.( Germany had it s terrorists too )

Where s the American can do spirit ? When I got bullied in school my dad said sucker punch that asshole or it won t stop. It stopped.

There s a tie to kill. There s a time to fight. There s a time to close the fkn border and there is a time to let other countries unfuck themselves. I see 1 more 22 yr service man wobbling through an airport minus a limb or 50 iq points I may cry in public. I pay for so many e 2 3 4 s lunches when I travel I burn through my per diem. We spent a trillion dollars in Iraq. Maimed and lost how many kids there ? And when ISIS came down they ran away.

People need to help themselves. We need to start here. Mini gun ISIS..all of em. If a child or 10 gets used as a human shield..it s sad but not as sad as what my kids are facing.

Am I pissing you off.? Go hug a tree and adopt a foriegner then. Put your money where your mouth is. I give 100 a month to the wounded warriors. It s all I can afford. ISIS want s a ar lets roll over them..kill them and their family to last spec of dna. At least Saddam kept the peace. Brutally yes. Some people need kings and dictators to keep from stoning their daughter for fucking some guy. Guaranteed lines of succession. Until they un fuck themelves I m tired of bankrupting our children s future.
Valid point T
Actually I was shocked that the second language spoken in the USA is Spanish .. No prob in that but the shocking part is that a lot of those millions don't speak English ..
When you move to a country , you should blend in , and respect it.. Respects it's history and rules..

More detailed answer after I get back from work.
I swear to god , I couldn't wait till I get back.
ISIS , those bastards only showed their ugly fuckin faces after saddam went away ..
Now , you (Americans) and we (Jordanians) are preparing TOGETHER to fight those radical mother fuckers..

Teutonic such a great great post as usual..
Valid point T
Actually I was shocked that the second language spoken in the USA is Spanish .. No prob in that but the shocking part is that a lot of those millions don't speak English ..
When you move to a country , you should blend in , and respect it.. Respects it's history and rules..

More detailed answer after I get back from work.

T puts things into words so much better than I ever could. Rid, what I was trying to say is exactly what has been said about respect. Would I do what that fellow did in the gym in his native country? Fuck no, not only out of respect, but out of fear.

All I'm saying is middle easterners are the ones blowing shit up. 9/11, Boston marathon, etc, so it would be stupid not to profile them over say a Mexican guy or gal. I'm not saying that I couldn't be friends with them, as a matter of fact my son has friends at his school and I talk to the kids parents etc and we get along great. For the record I also have never said anything to my kids about any of my feelings. I don't want them to make any pre judgements because I know they are going to grow up in a different world than I did.

The majority of that nationality here are on welfare, but somehow drive Mercedes, bmw's and denalis. They all own a business too. As an American that was born and raised here you look at that and ask why? How? Where did I go wrong?

I have been to Jordan and trained with the Jordanians too. We got along good and had a mutual respect.
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I literally just turned on the TV (cnn) and see that an American Muslim just killed a teen in new jersey. He said it was revenge for the war in Iraq. This is the kind of shit I'm talking about. How can you put your guard down?
T puts things into words so much better than I ever could. Rid, what I was trying to say is exactly what has been said about respect. Would I do what that fellow did in the gym in his native country? Fuck no, not only out of respect, but out of fear.

All I'm saying is middle easterners are the ones blowing shit up. 9/11, Boston marathon, etc, so it would be stupid not to profile them over say a Mexican guy or gal. I'm not saying that I couldn't be friends with them, as a matter of fact my son has friends at his school and I talk to the kids parents etc and we get along great. For the record I also have never said anything to my kids about any of my feelings. I don't want them to make any pre judgements because I know they are going to grow up in a different world than I did.

The majority of that nationality here are on welfare, but somehow drive Mercedes, bmw's and denalis. They all own a business too. As an American that was born and raised here you look at that and ask why? How? Where did I go wrong?

I have been to Jordan and trained with the Jordanians too. We got along good and had a mutual respect.

Exactly brother..
And that's why I think that T thread was brilliant .. It could clear things up..
Believe me man we are both facing the same enemy ..

I'm putting you on my invitation list .. Anytime you have plans to come to jordan feel free to pm me, u can stay at my home free of charge and I ll be honored to meet a good American soldier.

I literally just turned on the TV (cnn) and see that an American Muslim just killed a teen in new jersey. He said it was revenge for the war in Iraq. This is the kind of shit I'm talking about. How can you put your guard down?

Yes man , I'm sorry to hear .. That's why when I used to speak to jack ass racist Arabs , mostly non Jordanians , I was always telling them to shut the fuck up and read between lines.. U can find a good and bad American , just like u can find a good and bad Arab ., what scares me is that some radicals are using this , to play and attract youngsters into bull shit , thnx god not where I live.. It doesn't happen ..
That boy took out a life of another American , and some time ago an American took lives of other Americans at the cinema ..
Both kids are fucked up, and raised with hatred.. That's some scary shit.
Exactly brother..
And that's why I think that T thread was brilliant .. It could clear things up..
Believe me man we are both facing the same enemy ..

I'm putting you on my invitation list .. Anytime you have plans to come to jordan feel free to pm me, u can stay at my home free of charge and I ll be honored to meet a good American soldier.


Well I appreciate that, but my time in the middle east is long over. I don't think that I will ever be back there. I still work in a job that directly supports our military, but I won't be traveling. I think a bigger problem than terrorist right now is our government, but that is is a whole other thread haha.
guys here shouldn't forget im middle eastern too.. born in Iran..

not all muslims are bad.. just like not all christians are bad...

but islam was created about 600 years after christianity.

what was christianity doing 600 years ago.. can anyone tell me?? crusades anyone??

christianity was just as violent 600 years ago as islam is today..

islam just needs time to catch up
guys here shouldn't forget im middle eastern too.. born in Iran..

not all muslims are bad.. just like not all christians are bad...

but islam was created about 600 years after christianity.

what was christianity doing 600 years ago.. can anyone tell me?? crusades anyone??

christianity was just as violent 600 years ago as islam is today..

islam just needs time to catch up

I don't believe Christianity or Islam support violence ..
I guess that some jerks are using religion to do their agenda , that was 600 years ago, today , And will be tomorrow ..

Behind every terrorist , there is a guy cashing out $ .. Or gaining power ..
ISIS is in control of oil now in many parts of west Iraq and they were moving to Kurdish areas filled with oil.. Coincidence ? I don't think so.

Karl Marx said once that religion is the drugs of society .. I believe he meant what I just said ..

A great discussion , I d like to know what ppl think about this.
I don't believe Christianity or Islam support violence ..
I guess that some jerks are using religion to do their agenda , that was 600 years ago, today , And will be tomorrow ..

Behind every terrorist , there is a guy cashing out $ .. Or gaining power ..
ISIS is in control of oil now in many parts of west Iraq and they were moving to Kurdish areas filled with oil.. Coincidence ? I don't think so.

Karl Marx said once that religion is the drugs of society .. I believe he meant what I just said ..

A great discussion , I d like to know what ppl think about this.

Man has a way of corrupting anything he touches. If you look back at many things that are bad now, they typically started off with good intentions. For example many of the worst gangs today both African American gangs, and Hispanic gangs, were originally started to better there community or as a way of protection for their community. Religion is no different. Who the hell reads any biblical text and comes to the conclusion that they need to protest at funerals of American soldiers? It's the same man who reads the text and believes he is better than his wife so he treats her as if she isn't worth anything as the man is suppose to be the "head," of the household. Guess that person forgot the part about husband's serving their wives, and any position of authority is actual a position of servitude.

Be it due to greed, stupidity, ignorance, or plan evilness, many men will find a way to taint whatever they touch, and the idiots will follow.
3j u know my PASSION and 1 of degree s is History

The crusades, the Spanish inquisition..the way the indigenous people of the The New World were treated is not forgotten by this confused Christian.

FYI did you all know concentration camp s were started in the Boer war by the British, perfected by the turks against Armenian s and taken way way to far by my people POLiTICAL party.

Both my granddads died in that war..as well as all their men kin. They were not Nazi s...they were drafted citizens..join or go to a camp...tough call...

Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat the past. I welcome any and all to come here and keep there custom s in their home s or hoods. But out of respect to us learn to be American..or leave.....

My tattoes do not allow me to go shirtless in a pool in Germany as if 1 person complains I m asked to leave...we ll not get into that...the badone s are lazed now...it took me 43 years to quit hating.

My last pre judices....lazy good for nothing breeders or member s who won t do there fkn homework or put in the time...and....anyone asking me for a SOURCE.