A very unique cycle idea. What do you guys think? Test-U and Tren


I am banned!
This is all theoretical.

I cruise on 375mg of test-U every 3 weeks. This equals out to 125mg test a week. Typical TRT cruise dose, nothing major here.

Wouldn't it make sense to just add Tren for my next blast and not touch my test dose at all? Low test high tren cycles seem kickass.
If your cruising on 'test', you can add any AAS compound you want without adjusting your test dosage. Stay on test year round, add Primo for 12 weeks sometime, next time add tren, next time mast, next time Deca* . it does not matter. Of course blasting test upwards of 600+mg a week has its benefits as well-- but thats not needed to run any other compound.

* and yes, you can run low Test and high deca without getting deca dick (you just need to have a good AI protocol and control prolactin)
This is all theoretical.

I cruise on 375mg of test-U every 3 weeks. This equals out to 125mg test a week. Typical TRT cruise dose, nothing major here.

Wouldn't it make sense to just add Tren for my next blast and not touch my test dose at all? Low test high tren cycles seem kickass.

you got to be kidding right ..

here is one of your first posts on the forums just a couple months back

I'm 18 (save it) and have been lifting for about a year now. I'm about to go on my first cycle and was looking to ensure I have everything in order.

so you went from this, to become a guy that blasts and cruises and is now ready for tren. come on