AAS and Anxiety


New member
whats going on guys. long time lurker this is my first post so bare with me.
age 24
height 5'8
weight 170
bf 13.6%
lifting >5 years
boxing>3 years

this is will be my first cycle. and ive spent a long while doing all the research, so i understand im about a year younger than what most friends here will recommend and just barely under the 15%bf recommended as well. however ive decided that this is the right step for me to make at this point. so thanks in advance for not turning this into an age or AAS understanding thread.

that being said, ill try not to make this tl;dr for everyone;

thus far i will be running 25mgED dbol -Methandrostenolone- broken up to 2 or 3 small amounts throught the day (1-4)
and 500mg test e pinning mon. morning and thurs. late afternoon/evening (1-12)
with .5 adex EoD

nolva and clomid (weeks 14,15,16) PCT

ive been reading up more and more on dbol as my start date gets closer and closer and am starting to notice a trend in seeing threads about euphoria and lightheadedness.
now i have had prior experiences when i was much younger with drug abuse but had a terrible experience which scared me straight (to the point that i wont drink or do any type of drug, the dr.'s even had a hard time getting me to take my oxycotin after a surgery because i dont like those feelings at all or feeling like im not in control) as you can imagine this all gives me severe anxiety.

so my question is; when people say dbol gives them "euphoria" is it similar to illegal drugs that will give me anxiety or are they referring to the euphoria you get after an awesome day in the gym when you just bumped 10lbs in your lifts? is there anyway you might be able to describe the feeling?
and secondly with the headaches and stomach cramps as long as im eating around the time i am taking them should this even be a concern to me?
or would it possibly help if i dropped my mg to 10mgED or pyramid'd my dosage throught the 4 weeks i will be on?

Never pyramid. I don't know who came up with that crap. Works with clen, but you're going to confuse your body doing it with most anything else. I never experienced being light headed from dbol. I'm assuming it has something to do with the increase in blood pressure and holding you're breath straining while lifting heavy. Causes nose bleeds in some guys. Some people say anabolics cause euphoria. Some people also experience weight loss when given a sugar pill. All state of mind. I just got a higher sense of well-being, was a lot more organized in my lifestyle in order to focus on training, and in turn was much more successful in areas just because I was taking care of business and felt better about the place I was at in my life at that time. How are you going to break up the dbol dosage? Are they 25mg?
ok i definitely will not pyramid it then. and that makes sense about it all being sate of mind, the brain is a powerful tool.but yes they are 25mg caps
I can't answer your dbol question, but what I can say about anxiety is that once you've placed a seed of doubt in your head that it's a possibility you'll experience it, 9 times out of 10 you will. Because it precisely is a head game. Over thinking whether taking something will induce effects you don't want either create them or always leave you on the edge. If you ever have doubts don't take anything until you can put yourself in a better state of mind mentally, because when you experience a positive effect or realise that you won't have an attack of anxiety, you can go on feeling better about yourself. Good luck.
The pyramid cycle from what I remember was starting out lower dosage going up to higher dosage and then start lowering the dosage. Supposedly its suppose to lowering the shock to your body. Its almost like after running a mile go walk a mile so you don't pull a muscle from my own OPINION.
The pyramid cycle from what I remember was starting out lower dosage going up to higher dosage and then start lowering the dosage. Supposedly its suppose to lowering the shock to your body. Its almost like after running a mile go walk a mile so you don't pull a muscle from my own OPINION.

yea thats all i kept hearing about also, never stuck with it, makes sense to pyramid cycle but meh i aint fuckin with that shit, especially since my dbol is only 30mg ed
The pyramid cycle from what I remember was starting out lower dosage going up to higher dosage and then start lowering the dosage. Supposedly its suppose to lowering the shock to your body. Its almost like after running a mile go walk a mile so you don't pull a muscle from my own OPINION.
Yep. 200/200/250/300/350/500/500/500/500/350/200/200 <== crap like that for say a 500mg/wk test cycle. Complete garbage in my opinion. I still do it with stuff like T3 and albut/clen, but I don't know if it's even needed for that.