AAS and nosebleeds. Help?


New member
Okay I had a nose bleed this morning while washing my face, i wasn't being rough or anything at all. The last time i can remember having a nose bleed was when i was 8 years old and that was due to being elbowed in the face.

Current Cycle;
Anadrol 50mg ED (4 weeks)
Test E 250mg E3D (15 weeks)
Deca 250mg E3D (15 week)
Aromasin 20mg ED (15 weeks)

I have not donated blood since my last cycle, its a long story on why. I tried to but I knew i would passout because they didn't lay me in a prone position i was at about a 45 degree angle. I have been searching for a place to donate that can lay me down flat so that i will not passout.

Anyone else know why i had this nose bleed? It has to be related to my cycle? Please help I am slightly worried.
Have you checked your blood pressure lately? This in generally the cause of nose bleeds.

Get BP checked.

Your estradiol could be way too high as well.

My opinion is this is a result of the Anadrol. But just a guess.
Have you checked your blood pressure lately? This in generally the cause of nose bleeds.

Get BP checked.

Your estradiol could be way too high as well.

My opinion is this is a result of the Anadrol. But just a guess.

Thanks, have you ever experienced this on a cycle?

I assume it was the Anadrol and high BP so i probably will stop taking the anadrol it has been 4 weeks now anyway so its about time for me to stop.

Also I read it could be from where the weather is changing, I live in Tennessee. Its starting to get a little colder in the mornings and at night but I would rather play it safe and assume its the Anadrol.
Sometimes a nose bleed is just a nose bleed.

Go donate blood. So what if you pass out.

Yeah but I never have them, ever. I wouldn't be worried if i had like one a year or one every 3 years or something.

If i pass out they wont be able to get all of the blood they need, I pass out within like 10 seconds of them starting and once i do they take the needle out and that's it.

I wish i knew how to take my own blood and I would do it at home.
Yeah but I never have them, ever. I wouldn't be worried if i had like one a year or one every 3 years or something.

If i pass out they wont be able to get all of the blood they need, I pass out within like 10 seconds of them starting and once i do they take the needle out and that's it.

I wish i knew how to take my own blood and I would do it at home.

Go on YouTube. You just stick the needle in your vein and hold it over a sink. Absolutely have a friend there with you in case you pass out. A friend who can remove the needle so you don't bleed out.
Go on YouTube. You just stick the needle in your vein and hold it over a sink. Absolutely have a friend there with you in case you pass out. A friend who can remove the needle so you don't bleed out.

Its bad that i cant tell if youre being sarcastic/funny or serious lol.

The problem i have is that I have to be lying flat when the blood is drawn due to a vasovagul reaction that i cannot control.

Vasovagal reaction: A reflex of the involuntary nervous system that causes the heart to slow down (bradycardia) and that, at the same time, affects the nerves to the blood vessels in the legs permitting those vessels to dilate (widen). As a result the heart puts out less blood, the blood pressure drops, and what blood is circulating tends to go into the legs rather than to the head. The brain is deprived of oxygen and the fainting episode occurs

If I am lying flat then even though my BP drops there is still an adequate supply of blood to my brain so that i do not pass out but if i am more upright then gravity and lowered BP cause my brain to not get blood or oxygen and i pass out. I hope this makes sense.
Its bad that i cant tell if youre being sarcastic/funny or serious lol.

The problem i have is that I have to be lying flat when the blood is drawn due to a vasovagul reaction that i cannot control.

Vasovagal reaction: A reflex of the involuntary nervous system that causes the heart to slow down (bradycardia) and that, at the same time, affects the nerves to the blood vessels in the legs permitting those vessels to dilate (widen). As a result the heart puts out less blood, the blood pressure drops, and what blood is circulating tends to go into the legs rather than to the head. The brain is deprived of oxygen and the fainting episode occurs

If I am lying flat then even though my BP drops there is still an adequate supply of blood to my brain so that i do not pass out but if i am more upright then gravity and lowered BP cause my brain to not get blood or oxygen and i pass out. I hope this makes sense.

I know what it is.

I am being serious. Many guys perform their own therapeutic phlebotomies. Just have someone there with you in case you pass out with a needle in you so you don't bleed out.
You know what. I may be a fucking idiot.

I have only passed out during bloodwork i have never tried donating blood. Upon reading my definition of the vasovagal reaction i didnt realize it invlolved the legs taking in more blood. Usually during bloodwork when i would passout i was sitting up right in a chair.

I discovered that if they lay me down flat i do not passout, i thought this was due to blood being able to access my brain easier but in further thinking it may be because my legs arent drawing as much blood laying flat as if they would when sitting upright.

This also explains why the chairs at the blood donor clinics elevate your legs to the same height as your head.

I was scared that the blood would drain from my head and this would cause it but if the blood isnt all going to my legs i might survive!!!

I literally just had a fucking epiphany and i am so happy right now i want to just leave work and donate all my blood! I have been trying so hard to find a place to donate blood to.

Man I am happy right now :)

I just hope im right about this lol.
You have never even tried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why would I try when i pass out from only doing bloodwork? They only take a few little vials and within 5 seconds im out cold before i can even say anything. The only time i didn't pass out was when they laid me completely flat on like a beach chair thing.

I actually tried donating blood about a month ago. I took the day off of work because i wanted to do a double red donation and the closest machine is 45 minutes away. So i drove there signed the paper etc then they tell me i cant do double red for my first time. Then they put me in the chair but it doesnt lean back to make me flat so i freaked out and told them about my past expereinces then they got nervous and didnt want me to donate blood.

They asked me "Why in the world would you want to donate blood if you passout just from bloodwork?" I just said "I dont know i just have always wanted to plus i eat alot of protein and dont want too much iron in my blood"

I couldnt just say "Oh im on anadrol,test, and deca and i need to keep my hemoglobin down" lol

So they told me not to donate and to try to find a place with a flat bed, they gave me a tshirt and i left. I was pissed.
Thanks, have you ever experienced this on a cycle?

I assume it was the Anadrol and high BP so i probably will stop taking the anadrol it has been 4 weeks now anyway so its about time for me to stop.

Also I read it could be from where the weather is changing, I live in Tennessee. Its starting to get a little colder in the mornings and at night but I would rather play it safe and assume its the Anadrol.

I have yes. Anything over 50mg of Dbol a day and my nose bleeds a lot. Nothing helps.

Could be the weather. But if its not a really dry climate you live in then i doubt its that.

Could be a random nose bleed too as Mega stated. If its only happened once I wouldnt worry but its an every day thing then thats not good.
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I have yes. Anything over 50mg of Dbol a day and my nose bleeds a lot. Nothing helps.

Could be the weather. But if its not a really dry climate you live in then i doubt its that.

Could be a random nose bleed too as Mega stated. If its only happened once I wouldnt worry but its an every day thing then thats not good.

Well i might lay of the anadrol for a week, cut back on my preworkout, and donate blood this weekend since i realize now i should be okay.

Thanks for the help man.
I used to pass out from blood work sometimes. It's all nerves bro...forget the vasovagal reaction garbage...it's all in your head. The key is to not look at the blood coming out and don't think about it. Pop in some head phones, close your eyes and go to your happy place. It's easy peezy. I can even do double blood now no problemo...
I used to pass out from blood work sometimes. It's all nerves bro...forget the vasovagal reaction garbage...it's all in your head. The key is to not look at the blood coming out and don't think about it. Pop in some head phones, close your eyes and go to your happy place. It's easy peezy. I can even do double blood now no problemo...

Its not my nerves honestly, when they laid me down i watched them draw the blood out and i was fine during bloodwork. Im obviously ot afraid of needles as I pin myself twice a week and im not afraid of blood either. Its really something i have no control over.

But thanks for the advice and like i said i think i may be okay since they elevate my legs.