AAS Build Mass NOT Aggression



Steroids build muscle mass, not aggression
New implications for people with AIDS
July 3, 1996

From Correspondent Aileen Pincus

WASHINGTON (CNN)--The underground market for illegal steroids, such as testosterone, continues to be a problem, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. A recent study confirmed what many who use steroids have suspected for years: they work.

Building muscles takes hard work. For years, some athletes have turned to illegal steroids to give them the strength and muscle size exercise alone didn't provide.

Dr. Wayne Bardin of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. says the latest research, which placed 43 men on large doses of testosterone over a ten week period, provides conclusive results.

"If you give men more testosterone, their muscles will grow, but they don't get any more aggressive than they already are," he said.

The study published in the July New England Journal of Medicine could have major implications for the treatment of those who lose muscle mass, such as people with AIDS or the elderly.

"In older men, testosterone declines as a group, and people have attributed the frailty of aging to declining testosterone levels," said Dr. Shalender Bhasin from the Drew University of Medicine and Science.

Dr. Bhasin also says the study proves those on testosterone showed no change in mood or behavior.

"Testosterone effects on angry behavior or aggression, if there are any effects on humans, are greatly constrained and so they don't become manifest, so it's unlikely that testosterone would turn humans into beasts so to speak," he said.

The findings may even reach into space, where scientists have long searched for a way to counter the effects of gravity on muscle mass in astronauts.

Scientists say this study does not justify the use of illegal steroids. The study lasted for just ten weeks, and there is still much that is not known about the long-term effects of steroids.
im not sure I buy it.....I know that I for one get pissed so easy when im on compared to me not being on.....I have also heard others say how angry they get when there on and there temper is set off much quicker.......But it is a good post......

Good read. I wonder if they ever did a study on the aggression caused by fina? AS can't turn a non aggresive person into an agressive person but I think they can make an already agressive person more prone to their aggression.
I think its all in your head. If you an asshole, you're an asshole. Using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) as a scapegoat is lame.
YellowJacket said:
I think its all in your head. If you an asshole, you're an asshole. Using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) as a scapegoat is lame.

I agree that it is all mental. I do know however that fina makes me more irritable than normal though. When I am on alot of fina, I wake up pissed off.
well....when you're "ON" whether it be test or tren or anything else...and you get pissed off.....just stop and think "hey....I'm on anabolic steroids....I should calm down so I don't do anything stupid" That's what I do..... and it helps.

I agree fully....it's all mental....some one that is already aggressive will just use juice as an excuse to get even more aggressive.

IMO...juice gives you alot of confidence because you're looking better (it happens to everyone when they see self improvement) and for some guys it goes right to their head. And that could lead to guys being an ass....but it is all mental

just my two cents