AAS Bulk or Cut Question for you guys


New member
(Edit - This is also my first post on this particular forum)

I've been reading on many forums for a couple of years now and I'm about to start my first real cycle. I am looking for some opinions or advice on best way to approach the diet aspect though.

35 5'10" around 15-16% body fat. Been training off and on since high school, lowest I've ever been naturally was 12.29% BF.

My long term goal is to cycle and maintain strength and lose some fat with enough time off (time off = time on) to start a proper clean bulk near wintertime (just because of all the extra good food and cold weather makes me hungry). With that I'm doing a 12-week basic Test cycle (posted it in another thread) but I am curious as to where to place my macros for this run of things. Should I even increase over maintenance? Or should I be in a slight deficit? If so, what's a good ratio to minimize muscle loss while on AAS. I'm usually on a 40/40/20 but I'm reading mixed opinions on AAS and macronutrient usage.

Sorry for the long and possibly confusing question but ultimately. I want to drop fat, maintain strength (not worried about size right now) and minimize catabolism over a 12-week cycle to allow enough time off until I can do a proper bulk around October.

There are guys here who can definetly help you with that aspect of your cycle. Nothing happens without proper nutrition.
There is a guy here by the name 3J that will have all your answers for you. I would check his services if I was you :)
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There are guys here who can definetly help you with that aspect of your cycle. Nothing happens without proper nutrition.

Thanks man! I have been getting the diet back in check the past couple of weeks, with school coming to an end soon my focus is back on training and my health.