AAS Injection Please help!


New member
Hello Guys.
I Started my cycle last week.
The problem is not diet or other things its the injection.

First of all this is my split
Legs and Calves
Chest and tricep
Shoulder and bicep

The problem is i inject an hour before the leg workout and what i experiend is the post injection pain wont let me hit my legs for the whole week.

So my question can i inject it after the legs workout? and i was reading somewhere that you should not inject it into a sore .

This is my first cycle so please give me your opinions

8 Weeks
week1: Sustanon 350 - 300 mg Boldenone
week2: Sustanon 350 - 300 mg Boldenone
week3: Sustanon 350 - 300 mg Boldenone
week4: Sustanon 350 - 300 mg Boldenone
Week5: Sustanon 350 - 400mg Boldenone
Week6: Sustanon 350 - 400mg Boldenone - 40 MG Winstrol
week7: Sustanon 350 - 400mg Boldenone - 40 MG Winstrol
week8: Sustanon 350 - 400mg Boldenone - 40 MG Winstrol

PCT: Clomid and Nolvadex for 4 weeks.
50mg Clomid ED, 40mg Nolva ED. first week 100mg clomid ED.

HCG starts from week 3. 250 i.u every fourth day.
You can inject earlier in the day or hours after the workout. Don't be so worried about just before/after. Injection pain is normal in a first time user or a new injection site and it will stop in a few weeks.

Try warming the oil by running the syringe barrel( not needle) under hot tap water for 30 seconds or so, with the oil already in it of course.

When injecting, do so very slowly. I take at least 30 seconds per ml. If none of these work you can cut it with injectable b12. Keep them separate until drawn into the pin but do not mix in the vial. After two weeks the shots should become less painful anyway and I hope you are not site injecting because its not really going to do anything.
Dude, inject whenever. Morning, night, whenever. Don't worry about injecting before your workout cause it doesn't make a damn bit of difference.
Site injecting - Injecting into certain sites, like bi's, tri's, pec's, etc. Some drugs are site specific, but Sustanon (sust) is definitely not one of them.
My advice is warm the vial up a lil warm up some water and place the vial in for a few seconds, body tempurate is ideal. Helps with pain alot.
Yup heat that shit up first bro. Then after your injection massage the injection site. You will get g2g and not much pain if any.
My advice is warm the vial up a lil warm up some water and place the vial in for a few seconds, body tempurate is ideal. Helps with pain alot.

Yup heat that shit up first bro. Then after your injection massage the injection site. You will get g2g and not much pain if any.

Those +

always use a fresh needle if you aren't already, never go through the stopper and inject with the same one


try out both 25g and 23g needles and see which one leaves you less sore, personally i prefer a bigger needle since it takes less time to inject and my hands shake less
Ya i use 23g, i feel like any smaller takes to long and to much effort to inject it. No pain no gain...
Thanks alot guys!
Now i warm it up in hot water and message the place after, and i inject it after leg workout so its fine now injected it 2 days ago :)