abdominal etching


Knowledge is Power
anyone ever have this procedure done? ive seen some really crazy pictures of people with some amazing results. ive also seen some shitty looking jobs. i searched and barely found one real post about it....just a few mentioning briefly about having it done

for those who dont know what it is, its basically lipo around abdominal muscles, which help show muscle hidden by layers of fat. the fact of the matter is no matter how much stomach training you do, this procedure seems to do more in 1 hour than hundreds of hours of stomach training. definitely caught my eye anyway...

any thoughts?
wow-- i must say im very suprised nobody seems to know of or enough to respond about this procedure. heres some pics of a body builder who had the procedure done. personally this seems to make a lot of sense the more i think about it. how many guys say they want to bulk but also seem to wanna cut belly fat? LOTS how many guys try to limit their food consumption even when they could eat more because they dont want to put on those extra lbs in the belly area? LOTS. In addition, it seems like lots of people use AAS to cut when they already have the muscle, its just hidden with some fat. Personally I think its definitely healthier to have a procedure like this done vs cycling some shit like winstrol when you already have what you want, it just needs some uncovering. If you have a high bf% this is a waste of time, but those of you who know you have and feel the underlying muscle but those pesky layers of fat seem to cover it.... I think this looks like a much better option

here check out these pics....


i say work for it.
fuck sergerys unless needed for health issues.
for me i would never do that. wach it being done then tell me if it looks liek fun.
no way in hell would i get cut open and have a steel tube coderiz/cook and suck out fat and other tissues. iv seen it done.
It's a fairly new procedure. I would say wait ten years and see how popular and safe it is then.

The good thing is you can achieven the same results with some hard work and it will cost less.
Fuck that shit... Thats like the easiest way out of things.. What you gonna tell someone when one day your fat the next you come in with a 6 pack? HAHA
Hey I cannot knock hard work to get the results you want... But let's face it... What will you tell people?? What do you tell people after or during a cycle when you gain what takes years naturally in just 12 weeks? I completely respect working hard to get results but when youre on AAS you're not just working hard, you're working hard building results with anabolic steroids...not exactly the most natural way of achieving results. My point is if you're okay with that, not not being ok with this seems more like it's bc your hating than out of reality. Face it if you could take one shot and have a fully defined 6pack you would shoot that shit so fast you wouldn't know what hit you.

As for the procedure itself, some drs use Vaser so it's also not just the standard lipo procedure. If you don't agree with it thats cool, but don't say you don't agree with it bc you should achieve results naturally when you use steroids! LOL