Hi there, I've been lurking around for months however just decided to make an account. Anyway so right about when I was done with my PCT (6 weeks ago) I noticed a dull feeling in my lower abdomen, right by the pelvic/groin area, I thought at first it was a pulled muscle but as it has not healed or gotten any better, I was wondering if this could have anything to do with high estrogen levels, or is this a part of the whole "feeling like garbage" after a cycle? I've had it checked out, have also had an ultra done and no hernia was found, I couldn't tell my doctor about my steroid usage as it will have a major impact on my insurance. I went on a test e 500mg per week for 12 weeks cycle. Has anyone had anything similar or know what is going on? The dull feeling in my lower right abdomen gets worse when I bend over, nearly goes away when I lay down. I appreciate you taking a minute of your time to read this, thanks.
- Sorry if this isn't in the correct section.
- Sorry if this isn't in the correct section.