About to order, does everything look good? (First time)


New member
28 years old
6'3" 205-210lbs and somewhere in the low teens bodyfat %
Played sports in high school and casually lifted, but serious lifting for the last 4 years or so, used to be 180ish a few years ago :eek:
I think my goal physique would be around 225 and lean

1-10: Test E @ 500mg/wk
1-10: Anastrozol @0.25mg/eod
1-15: HCGenerate @recommended dosage
1-15: NAC @ 1200mg/ed

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Just wondering if I should extend the cycle to 12 weeks?
Also will HCGenerate be ok as a replacement for real HCG?
I just don't want my balls to disappear, but I don't really want to deal with mixing the HCG and adding another injection.
And do I need to add anything else to my post cycle therapy (pct) like Post Cycle or an otc supplement like that?

As far as syringes and stuff, I planned on a 100pack of 3ml, 20g, 1inch to draw
and a 100pack of 25g 1inch to needles to inject
also a pack of alcohol prep pads
I've seen hcgenerate talked about on other boards, but I believe the consensus on the boards that don't push it is that it's a waste of time, get the real thing, HCG, 250iu twice a week during cycle. And you might as well get 1ml syringes with insulin pins to go with that.
As far as the 25g needles, 1" is good for quads, delts.. But I believe most would use 1.5" for glutes and ventro glutes unless you are really lean.

And yeah. Go 12 weeks with the long estered test.
Ok I can go 12 weeks.
HCG is definitely needed and no substitutes?
I really just didnt want to have more stuff to inject, being my first time.
I actually got some 23g x1 1/4", seems a happy medium.
Love the fact that injections go easier with the 23g over the 25g, I can control the speed I inject. With the 25g, it really seemed like I had to push like hell to get the oil out sometimes, especially on awkward glute angles. But I find I get some marks left more often, bruising bleeding, that I didn't get with the 25g. Of course my technique sucks, I'm a shaky mf'er and still tense up when doing shots after 3 months.
Extend cycle to 12 weeks

I'd go 50/50/50/50 with the Clomid dosage

Since your worried about testicular atrophy, get the real HCG. It's not hard to reconstitute. Go on YouTube and there are many helpful tutorials on how to make it. Injections are Sub-Q and are quick and painless. Administer it 2xWeek on your Test pinning days.
Since your worried about testicular atrophy, get the real HCG. It's not hard to reconstitute. Go on YouTube and there are many helpful tutorials on how to make it. Injections are Sub-Q and are quick and painless. Administer it 2xWeek on your Test pinning days.

X1000! Stop worrying about it man.
Ok so is this right

1-12 test e
1-12 anastrozol
1-14 hcg

15-18 pct

Hcg at 250iu twice a week?

Can anyone tell me how much hcg and water I'll need to order?
Thanks again for all the info!
Ok so is this right

1-12 test e
1-12 anastrozol
1-14 hcg

15-18 pct

Hcg at 250iu twice a week?

Can anyone tell me how much hcg and water I'll need to order?
Thanks again for all the info!

You could really get away with 5000ius hcg. You dont have to start it right away ..you could start it about a week and a half in and stop it 3 days pre post cycle therapy (pct) and you could get away with one 5000iu hcg. Def do NOT use the supplement..get the real deal. Textbook says you should get 10000iu hcg and start it right off but I believe you can do as I stated and be just fine, be very good in fact.
Yeah, basically you get about 10 weeks out of a 5000iu vial.
I add 5ml water to it, that gets you 1000iu per ml, then inject .25ml per shot, twice a week.
If you want to be safe, get 2 vials. You also need to make sure you have a vial that holds 5ml.
My one source sold a 5ml vial of bacwater and you put some water into the tiny hcg vial, then drew it out and put it all back into the 5ml vial with the rest of the water.
My other source didn't do it that way. Just the tiny hcg vial and a big vial of water (10ml, 20 maybe?).
So you'd need another separate, empty vial to put you mixture in.

Clear as mud?
Ok so is this right

1-12 test e
1-12 anastrozol
1-14 hcg

15-18 pct

Hcg at 250iu twice a week?

Can anyone tell me how much hcg and water I'll need to order?
Thanks again for all the info!

Take the Anastrozole weeks 1-14. Basically, from the very first pin until you start the PCT. Otherwise, you'll get an estrogen rebound during the 2 week break before PCT. The Nolvadex will prevent the rebound during PCT when you come off your AI.
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