I've got 25syringes/needles. Should should I swap our needles after draw/pin and lose a syringe everytime? And I have 23g+1 1/2" 3cc/MP syringe. I want 250cc so I draw 2.5? Looks like a lot.
You don't want 250 CC's, that's almost 8 1/2 Oz., and yeah, that's allot.
I think what you mean to say is that you want 250 Mg.
So you already said the Vial is 10 Ml.
Wherever you saw that Info, you should also see the Name of the Hormone, and the Concentration in Mg.
So if it's Test Cypionate, and it's 250 Mg.
That's 250 Mg/per 1 Ml or 1 CC or 100 Units ~ as all those measurements are Identical.
If you are just going into 1 Vial, you should be able to use the same Pin for Injecting.
And if I'm reading this correctly, you have a 23 Gauge x 1 1/2" Needle, with a 3 CC barrel.
That length is fine for Glutes, but Too Long for Quads, at least for me.
I use a 25 Gauge x 5/8" or 1" for Quads, too many Nerves in the Quad to be using a 1 1/2" needle............... JP