About to start test/tren e cycle, I have a few questions..

I wouldn't mind getting blood work was actualy looking for some private online labs last night because I don't want to ask my doc for one, I couldn't find any cheap UK ones, I found a quality US one which was pretty cheap female hormonal panel was only $60 the the UK based ones cost about £200 (about $310). :(
6'0" 180lb 21 year olds already having shot Test before are what made AAS Felonies!!!

If people like you didn't abuse the shit out of this stuff and used it correctly it would still be as legal as weed.
Why don't you order a bit extra and sell it to HS football players too. ;)
LMFAO "Daily grind" at 21 fucking years old!!!

I'm sure he has a FT job at 40+ hours/week, wife/X-wife, kids/pre-marital kids and maybe other kids from a new slut!
He needs a therapist to get his shit str8 1st...then reach his natural potential or at least attempt it.
Save his $ and health. Or blow his $ at GNC first!