Aburaihan test Vs Gen-shi


New member
So, my current cycle is going well, but it originally going to be 8 weeks. On the advice of the good folks here, I extended that to 12 or 14 (have enough for 14, but I'll see how it goes)
BUT, half the gear I have is Gen-shi labs UGL gear in vials, the other half is Aburaihan stuff, presumable from Iran, and I think it's pharma grade. Or what passes for pharma grade there. I'm not sure about the Aburaihan stuff. I know nothing about it.
Anyway, soon I will be making the switch to this Aburaihan test...It's from the same source, and seems legit, but does anyone have any experience with this manufacturer?
If I'm in any doubt, I'll just buy more of the Gen-shi to complete this cycle while there's time to get it, and get more of the aburaihan to make up my next cycle so I'm not risking suddenly being on bunk gear mid-cycle.

So...anyone used this labs stuff?
So, my current cycle is going well, but it originally going to be 8 weeks. On the advice of the good folks here, I extended that to 12 or 14 (have enough for 14, but I'll see how it goes)
BUT, half the gear I have is Gen-shi labs UGL gear in vials, the other half is Aburaihan stuff, presumable from Iran, and I think it's pharma grade. Or what passes for pharma grade there. I'm not sure about the Aburaihan stuff. I know nothing about it.
Anyway, soon I will be making the switch to this Aburaihan test...It's from the same source, and seems legit, but does anyone have any experience with this manufacturer?
If I'm in any doubt, I'll just buy more of the Gen-shi to complete this cycle while there's time to get it, and get more of the aburaihan to make up my next cycle so I'm not risking suddenly being on bunk gear mid-cycle.

So...anyone used this labs stuff?

I used the Iranian, but I didn't have blood work done on that cycle. I made gains though. One thing that concerned me was that there were differences in the amps. Some were slightly shorter than others. I had purchased some also for friends and they all thought Highly of it. There again old school and no blood.

If you got it through the folks I'm thinking of, chances are it is legit and not a knock off.
