Ace Prop Masteron // Log with Pics


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Tren Ace Test Prop & Masteron // Log with pics

Hello Ology world..
i will be updating this log with weekly development pictures..
iam going to start this cycle in about 2 weeks, as soon as my shipment comes in :dance2:

first off my stats
24yrs old
182 lbs
16-18% bf (yes i know thats alot)

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previous cycle history, 2 test e only cycles.. both at 525mg per week, 10 weeks each, nolva post cycle therapy (pct) @ 40/40/20/20
as you can tell i lost most of those gains, due to a car accident i was in last year i broke my wrist &
i was out of the gym for 4 mo , and have been back in since december..

so i have set up my that will consist of ace prop and mast.. all at 100mg/ml
this will be my first run at tren, & yes iam very aware of the sides .. **note i work in an office so i am on Ology all day long..
i will taper my way up on this cycle, to see how my body reacts to it.. & of course short esters incase sh*t goes downhill.. which im pretty sure it will not
im confident i can handle it, i strongly believe a big portion of tren sides are physocological ...
i will be pinning m/w/f , i know theres alot of debate of pinning eod/ed/mwf
i have chosen to go the m/w/f route.. i will be pinning monday morning and friday nights so the gap isnt actually so long..
heres how i have set up my route

week 1-2
tran ace / 50mg m/w/f
test prop / 50mg m/w/f
masteron / 50mg m/w/f

week 3-8
tren ace / 75mg m/w/f
test prop / 100mg m/w/f
masteron / 100mg m/w/f

week 9-10
tren ace 125mg m/w/f
test prop 150mg m/w/f
masteron 150mg m/w/f

week 10-12
drop the tren
test prop 150mg m/w/f
masteron 150mg m/w/f

week 13-16
clomid 100/75/50/25

arimidex 1mg eod

workout schedule

mon - chest & tris

tuesday - legs & abs

wednesday - bi's & back

thursday - legs & abs

friday - shoulders & traps

sat n sunday are my rest days, 2 miles of cardio before every workout..

please review and let me know your thoughts on what i have set up.. any thoughts, tips, concerns would be greatly appreciated!
cant wait to get my order in
btw lab is omega pharma, not omega (mexican) lab...
thanks for looking mates !

looking forward to your comments
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gona go out on a limb here... really, really think if i were you i'd hold off on the gear. i worked out a solid 10 years before i ever did gear and totally changed my body. i'm NOT downing you bro but you could do a lot of muscle building before gear. you said your just back, maybe put 2-3 years of training/ proper diet in ? maybe i'm old school but always thought gear was best when you were maxed or closely maxed on your natural limits.
What's your diet like? I hear a lot that best results from tren and masteron are starting out at a little bit lower body fat so you get the full effects. Would it possible for you cut a few and spend some time in the gym to get your body more used to stress, do a test cycle again to get yourself back where you were before the accident, and hit the tren on your next cycle?