Acne on arms


New member
Ok not on gear, but breaking out on my arms for some reason - I wash arms as soon as I'm done working out then hit the shower when I get back from the gym, still for some reason still breaking out, side of my arms delts and right under delts.

Also does this mean that once I DO RUN GEAR that I'll be very prone to backne? Not breaking out on my back or anywhere else right now but just wondering if it will transition.
Yeah... Bar soap works the best..
I use irish whatever.. Helps with my acne, on and off gear...
You also want to use a face cloth to wash your back, something a little rougher.. Not one of those loufas either.. Those are shit!
Face cloth, hot water, and bar soap... Also... What I like to do because, I have terrible acne..

I use spectro and a st ives exfoliate. (I know, sounds girly but, it might help you out a little.)
So, I'll scrub my face down, and I use some on my shoulders and back area and, then hop in the shower. Also, Tanning!
Tanning helps too eh... You might want to look into going for a tan once or twice a week... Helps me out to...

You might naturally have oily skin so, you just want to dry it out..

And one more thing, peroxide!!
Dab some on a little cotton ball, and clean your shoulders/face...

Hopefully that helps.

Then your last resolution would be estrogen because, it's test levels that bring the acne out but, we don't want to use that lol.
From where you are saying you get it, it's likely from the seam of your shirt. Tear the arms of a pair and wear that training. See if that makes a difference. Never leave the clothes your wear training on any longer than you have to. It's worth changing at the gym, rather than waiting. Also, take a shower at the gym too. Sweaty cotton clothing is really bad for acne, and it seems worse around the seams. Possibly because it rubs the skin more there. Also...don't have a "training shirt" unless you plan on washing it every day. Some people wear the same old stuff to the gym every day and wonder why they have huge zits telling them to start the reactor.
Salicylic acid wash 2% - works like a charm. As far as on cycle acne- who knows. Can say till you try man
You might have shingles. If you've had measles or chicken pox as a child, that's what it is. I had it once too and it took me off of work for a week.
If you are prone to blemishes on your back or stomach, maybe a change of wardrobe will help, I mean, swap out your cotton or latex pants for workout gear. Not only will reduce the blemish after an intense workout, it will save your skin as well. Or hydrate before, during and after workout. :biggthump