adding superdrol to my cycle

well, im about 5 days away from the 21 day mark w sdrol...been training regularly, things have been going really well. my biggest problem besides occaisional insomnia is remembering to drink enough water, cant seem to drink enough...libido has gone down from out of control to just insane :) besides that everythings been real steady...cant eat enough food. when i get hungry i get the shakes and feel rage, must eat immediately. once i do, i feel nothing as if i hadnt eaten at all. interestingly enough with this cycle i havent bulked up, rather leaned out and cut, im around the same weight as i started give or take about ten pounds, its just melted the fat off my body and replaced with muscle. much more vascular than before as well...i never took on a bunch of water weight im going to give the proviron credit for that, will definately include it in my next cycle. as for the superdrol, i have to say its been a positive experience for me so far and i dont expect any surprises in these next five days. for anyone wanting to try sdrol, i would highly recommend taking a small nyquil bottle, rinsing it out, filling it with 99ml of olive oil, 1mg sdrol, warm it up a bit so it can combine, let sit for a couple of days and use an oral syringe for controllled dosing thru the day(100IU=10mg sdrol) and you should be good to go. next cycle i think im going to try something else though just to compare results...
just one thing...i want to do bloodwork again after im done w the sdrol, how long should i wait till im off it to run tests??
just one thing...i want to do bloodwork again after im done w the sdrol, how long should i wait till im off it to run tests??

You're going to test with a private lab correct? I would test right after you finish. See how bad liver and lipids are along with estro...

are you stilll on test n tren?
hey whats up lupi,
yes, im going w labcorp mens complete health blood test, its the same one i did before i started my cycle. should be pretty interesting to compare, since my test level at that time was 454. oke, so i will test soon as im off the sdrol... and yes, im still running test e & tren
hey whats up lupi,
yes, im going w labcorp mens complete health blood test, its the same one i did before i started my cycle. should be pretty interesting to compare, since my test level at that time was 454. oke, so i will test soon as im off the sdrol... and yes, im still running test e & tren

Sounds good. testosterone should be thru the roof...i have some SD laying around but i have hesitated because of the liver/lipid problems...very interested in seeing what everything comes back at
lupi- the 21st is the last day im dosing the going to schedule bloodwork for somewhere near the 1st of next month. as soon as i get the results i ll post them on here. the test is pretty comprehensive it does liver kidney all the cholesterols etc...i feel well, but i noticed its getting harder and harder to piss clear as the days go taking all my supplements and drinking tons of water but i think thats why 3 weeks is a good cut off for taking this stuff...eyes are white, skin isnt yellowish or anything...lets see what the blood test says
I would like to see the results too. 21 days on 30mg of SD shouldn't be too awful bad. Assuming you weren't drinking or taking another liver toxic med on top of it. I think keeping it short at 3 weeks is what's going to help the most.
hey whats up chosen,

i actually decided to call it quits on that stuff early, discarded the sdrol i ll be in for bloodwork sooner than later and i ll post results. also, no i wasnt taking any other liver toxic meds, just supplements & proviron...