Adding tren A late to a test/deca cycle


New member
Hi all I am in my early 40s and I'm about 8 weeks into a planned 14 week cycle, test 300 deca 600 week. This is my fourth cycle. I'm on a lean bulk with 3j's diet. Just finished up a loooong cut since sept. I dieted too long before getting with 3j and lost mass as cal got lower.

Well now I'm thinking about adding tren A 75 mg eod when the deca completes in a little over a month and really ending strong on a great bulk to make up for mass lost dieting. Never done tren but researched it plenty. If I can't handle the sides then I can drop it and end the cycle with two weeks of test. Planning trt dose of test if I do the tren. I know deca and tren are both nor19s, but one deca shot completely shuts you down anyway so adding tren I don't think necessarily compounds the matter more than total time spent shut down anyway.

What would u guys do? Tren is on way. I've never cycled beyond about 13-14 weeks so what about pressing on to 20 with a new compound.
You were cutting while running a typical bulk cycle? Just stick with deca and test. Save tren for next run.
I was cutting until the cycle started , then slowly began to get up to maintenance. Now my cal are double.
No. I've ran longer.

But typically extending a cycle is a slippery slope - honest recommendation is to be patient and follow your original plan, if you are going to PCT do so - recover and confirm with bloodwork then run a proper cutting cycle with test and tren if you want.
No. I've ran longer.

But typically extending a cycle is a slippery slope - honest recommendation is to be patient and follow your original plan, if you are going to PCT do so - recover and confirm with bloodwork then run a proper cutting cycle with test and tren if you want.

Ok. Just out of curiosity why do you say extending cycle is a slipper slope? Thanks bro.
OK not saying this was say someone started with a 750mg/wk test cycle, planning for 12 weeks ish.

- Week 1-5 - Test 750mg EW, bit of anadrol on the side.
- Week 6 - decide to add a compound...say tren. For eight or ten weeks, nothing crazy.
- Week 8 - tren arrives - dose it conservatively...50mg ED. Drop the test to 250mg/wk.
- Week 10 - no tren sides. DOUBLE THE DOSE. 100mg ED (700 tren / 250 test EW)
- Week 12 - no serious tren sides, gains starting to slow down - add more tren. 150mg ED (1050mg tren / 375mg test EW)
- Week 22 - gains definitely stalled. getting annoyed with pinning ED, eating over 5000 calories and not gaining weight. Who's fucking idea was it to use T3 while growing? Derp.
- Week 24 - fuck this, PCT