Adding tren to my cycle. How to?


New member
Currently on a cycle but just want to know for future reference how I should add other substances. I would really like to try tren but is there something better? I want to add tren to a test cycle that looks like this.

I am 27 been training for 7 years. 6'3" 220lbs.
Bloodwork always done pre, mid, and post.

Week 1-12: Test e 250mg e3d (500mg/week)
Week 1-12: HCG 250ius e3d (500ius/week)
Week 1-14: arimadex .25mg eod
Week 14-18: clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20

How should I add tren to this cycle and during what weeks?
Should I use tren e or tren ace etc.?
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There are alot of other compounds you can ad, deca, npp, eq they have less sides then tren. Have you searched the steroid profile tab?

You've never done tren if you chose to you should use tren A so if the sides are to much it will clear out of your system quicker than tren e. If you do chose tren you need to have caber/prami on hand in case of prolactin issues which are a side of 19nors.

PCT should be 16 to 21 days after last pin and run HCG up to 4 days before starting PCT
What will the prolactin issues cause?
I read the profile and many other people running cycles on it and didn't see any prami in theirs. I will change those other 2 things you noted as well
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Hiram1st is spot-on...

From my experience I always keep prami on hand but never have to use it.

It is always best to start with tren-a - although I've only ran tren-e, I don't recommend starting with it
in case you do have bad sides.

Some people tolerate it well and some people don't... the worst side effects for me are waking up
with night sweats and freezing at the same time.

There was also a slight impact on the respiratory system, were I was jogging while jumping rope for
around 2-4 miles every morning and was still able to do it but I just had to keep slowing down to
walk for a lot of the distance.
Is prami something you can get from rui or do I have to get it underground. Idk if I can get my hands on it. Also can I take prami as a precaution every week even if I don't need it?
Yes RUI. Not needed unless you show signs. I have seen some threads where guys run it weekly but I believe it's because their prone to prolactin issues. I don't see any reason to take if if you don't need it. Just my opinion
think it's also worth noting that test e 250mg E3D does NOT equal 500mg a week. As on your 3rd week you'll be shooting 750mgs that week.
Or did you mean twice a week injections and used the incorrect term?
Yeah, plus every three days makes things more complicated than it needs to be.

Some people do 3.5 Monday night Thursday morning type stuff and I did as well
at first but not any more...

I simply choose Monday and Friday - or Monday and Thursday... you'll never notice
a difference with long esters.

Unless it's someone competing an is pushing a multitude of gear I don't really think
it will make much, if any difference.
With those doses, it sounds like your first cycle? If you haven't completed it yet, why don't you just see how far this current one takes you? I'm assuming this Bc you say you are wanting to add something in, which to me, sounds as you are still early in the cycle. You're not gonna see ur huge gains until close to the end of your cycle man. You've got plenty of other cycles you will probably do, don't rush it.
Trenbolone acetate, or tren ace as its more popularly known, is by far one of the most powerful injectable anabolic steroid. It is considered five times more powerful both anabolic and androgenic properties than testosterone. Tren is a derivative of testosterone. The 19th position of testosterone was altered to give us Tren. Being a 19-nor, tren is up there on the list in terms of liver toxicity. Though tren does not aromatize, it will cause a rise in progestin levels. Proper anti-estrogen/progestin drugs should be used (cabergoline or prami would be best). Tren has a very high binding affinity to the androgen receptor. It also raises igf levels in a way no other compound can (secondarily). One of the most amazing traits of Tren is its ability to increase feed efficiency. The drug allows the body to utilize more of the macro and micro nutrients you ingest, allowing you to eat less and get more out of your nutrition. Tren is well known as a recomp or hardening compound. It has been hailed as the ***8220;devils juice***8221; due to the side effects of insomnia, over-active sweat glands, and changes of temperament (it***8217;s the only steroid to show true changes in temperament). Supplementation of thyroid hormones should be used with tren since it has shown to reduce thyroid function. The acetate ester is one of the shortest esters popularly used in the bodybuilding community. Having a shorter ester than propionate (by about one day) its highly recommended that tren ace be injected daily. The ace ester allows for quick absorption of the compound if side effects occur and the user has to discontinue the drug. Since tren and testosterone fight for the same androgen receptor, its recommended that tren take the higher dosage in a cycle while testosterone takes on more of a maintenance dosage. The proper dosage of Tren ace should be no more than 50mg ed for beginners. Once you get a feel for how much you can tolerate you can slowly raise the dosage of Tren while keeping eyes on any sides that may come of it.