Adex to hinder gains on cycle


New member
Hey guys. Just curious on the whole debate about if adex hinders gains or not. Im currently taking a cycle that has a low aromatizing rate. If i throw adex in the mix at even a dose of .25mg eod, will that do anything? Id like to throw it in with my cycle to stay on a possibly safer side, but id hate to hinder my gains. What are your opinions?
I think the fact that people think it hinders gains is from less weight gain cause you wont gain as much water weight. But if you take too much and tank estrogen it can make you feel shitty and affect lifts which in turn will affect gains. Also it can make u feel like shit headaches, fatigue,etc this can also affect workouts.

Whats your cycle?
It will hinder the gaining of man-boobies.

And prostatitis.

And possibly sebaceous acne.

And edema to your extremities.

Louman is right, it's folks that don't understand how an AI works that causes this huge misconception. People want to be told how much to take of a drug when we all react differently. If you completely crush your E2 (estradiol), yes - it will hinder your gains in a negative fashion. Using it properly (including a blood test to KNOW how much you need) will only give you a better experience, and provide for a better cycle. Estradiol is a carcinogen; while it is necessary for proper function, too much of it is not a good thing by any means.

Of course there are power lifters out there that intentionally allow E2 to raise a bit for that extra water to increase lifts, but that's a different case altogether. For the average Joe, I would strongly suggest keeping that E2 at optimal levels (20-30pg/mL) throughout a cycle.

My .02c :)
It will hinder the gaining of man-boobies.

And prostatitis.

And possibly sebaceous acne.

And edema to your extremities.

Louman is right, it's folks that don't understand how an AI works that causes this huge misconception. People want to be told how much to take of a drug when we all react differently. If you completely crush your E2 (estradiol), yes - it will hinder your gains in a negative fashion. Using it properly (including a blood test to KNOW how much you need) will only give you a better experience, and provide for a better cycle. Estradiol is a carcinogen; while it is necessary for proper function, too much of it is not a good thing by any means.

Of course there are power lifters out there that intentionally allow E2 to raise a bit for that extra water to increase lifts, but that's a different case altogether. For the average Joe, I would strongly suggest keeping that E2 at optimal levels (20-30pg/mL) throughout a cycle.

My .02c :)

Maybe u can help me out, looked online and can't find a solid list of what AI's and Serms can be used together. I know adex as nolva should not be. Do u know what AI and nolva can be taken together
I've taken Aromasin and nolva together when my nips get a lil crazy.

ok good cause I just ordered aromaisin and have nolva. Will hold off on nolva till gyno symptoms. But I want to have an AI that is compatible with my SERM in the event the situation arisesI want to be able to take both and not have one affected by the other.
Maybe u can help me out, looked online and can't find a solid list of what AI's and Serms can be used together. I know adex as nolva should not be. Do u know what AI and nolva can be taken together

Any AI and any SERM can be used together.
Go look drug interactions between airmidex and nolvadex

I have and used to believe the same thing...we were all wrong. Look at the current research and what it says:

British Journal of Cancer - Abstract of article: Pharmacokinetics of anastrozole and tamoxifen alone, and in combination, during adjuvant endocrine therapy for early breast cancer in postmenopausal women: a sub-protocol of the /`Arimidex[trade] and T

Originally it was found that concomitant use of anastrozole and tamoxifen would lower plasma concentrations of anastrozole. They made the incorrect assumption this reduced efficacy. A new study found that efficacy of anastrozole treatment was not affected by tamoxifen even though plasma levels of it drop.
It will hinder the gaining of man-boobies.

And prostatitis.

And possibly sebaceous acne.

And edema to your extremities.

Louman is right, it's folks that don't understand how an AI works that causes this huge misconception. People want to be told how much to take of a drug when we all react differently. If you completely crush your E2 (estradiol), yes - it will hinder your gains in a negative fashion. Using it properly (including a blood test to KNOW how much you need) will only give you a better experience, and provide for a better cycle. Estradiol is a carcinogen; while it is necessary for proper function, too much of it is not a good thing by any means.

Of course there are power lifters out there that intentionally allow E2 to raise a bit for that extra water to increase lifts, but that's a different case altogether. For the average Joe, I would strongly suggest keeping that E2 at optimal levels (20-30pg/mL) throughout a cycle.

My .02c :)

He basically spelled it out. Great post!
nolva for gyno is old hat bro, aromasin imo is the best Ai for on cycle use. Its a suicidal ai so kills eastrogen and does not just block it, works great and actually helps with recovery in pct too should you run it then.
Letro for when you've got your man titties, adex is ok mind but aromasin is the better choice if you read into it.
Forma stanzol from Mr supps is a very effective ai, and the best otc out there. Its a formestane product and is very similar to exemestane (aromasin) in many ways, just slightly milder.
nolva for gyno is old hat bro, aromasin imo is the best Ai for on cycle use. Its a suicidal ai so kills eastrogen and does not just block it, works great and actually helps with recovery in pct too should you run it then.
Letro for when you've got your man titties, adex is ok mind but aromasin is the better choice if you read into it.
Forma stanzol from Mr supps is a very effective ai, and the best otc out there. Its a formestane product and is very similar to exemestane (aromasin) in many ways, just slightly milder.
Are you seriously advocating the use of an AI to remove/reduce gynecomastia when there are studies a mile long indicating that an AI is not the best choice here? I respect your position as a rep for a forum sponsor, but each chem has its own relevant place in AAS use. Will an AI reduce gyno? Sure, but at what cost? You have to literally crush your E2 (which most do at doses used in old protocols) which can cause all sorts of problems for the guy. Why not use a SERM (that's what they're designed for) to combat the man-boobies and use the AI to prevent further complications from an unchecked estradiol?

Nothing against Mr. Supps line of products; but everything has a proper place and time. I wouldn't use creatine to control blood pressure, just as I wouldn't use an AI to reduce gynecomastia - but that's just me. :p

My .02c :)
Are you seriously advocating the use of an AI to remove/reduce gynecomastia when there are studies a mile long indicating that an AI is not the best choice here? I respect your position as a rep for a forum sponsor, but each chem has its own relevant place in AAS use. Will an AI reduce gyno? Sure, but at what cost? You have to literally crush your E2 (which most do at doses used in old protocols) which can cause all sorts of problems for the guy. Why not use a SERM (that's what they're designed for) to combat the man-boobies and use the AI to prevent further complications from an unchecked estradiol?

Nothing against Mr. Supps line of products; but everything has a proper place and time. I wouldn't use creatine to control blood pressure, just as I wouldn't use an AI to reduce gynecomastia - but that's just me. :p

My .02c :)

So in your expert opinion, what's the best for them gains?
Gotta find ur middle! I.always run an AI while on cycle.. N not.only bcz im on extremedoses but bcz i dont want negative sides,

You dont want A-rod boobs!
So in your expert opinion, what's the best for them gains?

Food and vagina. :D

Honestly, I have yet to see any differences (outside cost) between all the different aromatase inhibitors. Letro is my favorite right now as my lipids are looking good and it's a teeeeeeeeensy dose to keep my E2 at a healthy 20pg/mL. Stane is really nice, but hot damn is that stuff expensive to run at 50mg ED for a full cycle!