Advice For First Cycle Any Help Appreciated


New member
I'll start off by saying Hello. I'm new on here and have been reading alot of threads and love seeing all the help and great people on here. I've basically reached a plateau the last year. I'm lean and its hard for me to keep anything I gain. I'm 32 years old 6' 2 and 193 lbs I got up to 205 from dieting and eating a ton cleanly but I can't hold it ever. I drop between 188-193 but Ive been at 193 awhile now for the last 2 years. I workout 6 days a week and was thinking about starting my first cycle. I'm not going to act like I'm a cycle genius like I've seen on here by new people. I'm asking for solid advice from veterans. I was looking at running Test-E 250 alone or possibly with Deca. I was wondering the best AI I can take and I've figured out from every other post what PCT to run. If I'm not ready then I won't but I was wanting a little advice on the best start. My goals are to gain but still stay leaner. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Thanks tbonexl...yea I know its all about eating and I've done it and still can't hold it while eating. I've read most stickys and they are very very helpful. Thanks
Run the test alongside an AI. You got to keep eating more to match the weight you gain. That is why you went down. Your calorie maintenance level went up with your weight gain but you ate an amount below maintenance.
Thanks tury. Would it be terrible to run deca along with test? I've never did anything besides a stupid pro hormone and I know that was terrible haha. I know it's probably better to run test alone.
Just test on your first cycle. No deca. Save that for #2.

How many calories do you eat daily? How many grams of protein?

What is your body fat%?

Have you run blood work to see what your Natty hormone levels are at?
Yeah listen to Megatron...

One of the main advantages of a test only for your first cycle is - you want to understand
how your body responds to testosterone - by itself.

As you go into other cycles you'll know - "how" - other compounds are working with each other
as you begin to stack.

As far as an AI - I have always found Aromasin (exemestane or stan) to work best, but that's just me - see
what others have to say.

I blast and cruise so I'll leave the PCT for the other guys - but as you move forward here's what I do.

As a base to every cycle - I have testosterone - AI Aromasin - and hCG.

From there - I can build any cycle - and cover all my bases.