I'll start off by saying Hello. I'm new on here and have been reading alot of threads and love seeing all the help and great people on here. I've basically reached a plateau the last year. I'm lean and its hard for me to keep anything I gain. I'm 32 years old 6' 2 and 193 lbs I got up to 205 from dieting and eating a ton cleanly but I can't hold it ever. I drop between 188-193 but Ive been at 193 awhile now for the last 2 years. I workout 6 days a week and was thinking about starting my first cycle. I'm not going to act like I'm a cycle genius like I've seen on here by new people. I'm asking for solid advice from veterans. I was looking at running Test-E 250 alone or possibly with Deca. I was wondering the best AI I can take and I've figured out from every other post what PCT to run. If I'm not ready then I won't but I was wanting a little advice on the best start. My goals are to gain but still stay leaner. Any help is appreciated. Thanks