Advice from those who have recovered from a long cycle


New member
Hey guys, I would like some advice from those who have recovered from a long cycle and can actually give me advice based on experience not heresay.

I got a little overzelous and did a 29 week cycle.

week 1-20= 600mg eq
week 8-16- 60mg anavar
week 1-20= test cyp 500mg, week 20-26- test cyp 250mg, week 26-29- test cyp 125mg

What I have for pct: HCG 22,000 iu (2 vials each 11,000 iu), pharm clomid, pharm nolva, research liquid aromasin, hcgenerate

My idea for the PCT:

pct= HCG 2,500 i.u eod for 2 weeks
clomid 100/50/50/50/50/25
nolvadex 40/20/20/20/20/10
aromasin 12.5 eod
hcgenerate- 5 caps per day

All advice is welcome as long as its from experience because there is too much contradictory stuff online. Thank you in advance, it is greatly appreciated.
Welcome to ology!, can you give us more stats? You did a 7 month cycle? Are your current gains what you expected?
HCG should never be run during PCT... if you have time, then sure, feel free to blast HCG for a couple of weeks while you sit it out waiting to start PCT, but be sure to stop the HCG 3 days before starting.

Looking at your cycle, the Eq should be pretty much out of your system now, so you are just waiting for the Cyp to clear.... so PCT should start approx. 18 days after last Cyp pin. So this would give you 15 days to blast HCG

NB: On future cycles, you should run HCG from week 1 of the cycle all the way through - this keeps the testes sensitized and increases the chance of recovery.

I would blast 500iu every other day whilst waiting for PCT to commence.

You will also need to run an aggressive PCT and pray for recovery.

100/100/75/50/50/50 - Clomid
40/40/40/40/20/20 - Nolvadex

Aromasim should NOT be part of your PCT - neither should HCgenerate - as that is just a crock of shit!
Hcg is never pct. It is called pre-pct. Also, drop the nolva. Its a carcinogen and you Dont need it. The truth is time and real restorative sleep is the only thing that heals your body. The drugs simply make it easier because you shock your body way less because they are assisting your body.
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how old are you? i was on for 2 years once, blasting and cruising, and i came off. i made a recovery but my numbers were not where i wanted them to be.

2 weeks before i came off i was doing 250iu hcg 5x a week which is 1250iu a week total. then i came off, and kept on the same HCG protocol for another 2 weeks. waited 5 days and then started clomid @ 100mg ED and nolva 40mg ED. couldn't handle the clomid that high so i cut both doses in half after about 10 days or so. stayed on clomid and nolva for a total of 4 weeks. got bloods done right after finishing clomid and nolva, test came back 740 but e2 was really high i remember so i started taking some adex for a week to balance it out. FSH and LH were obviously both high because of the clomid.

4 weeks later i went to get bloods again because i knew that wasnt an accurate reflection of my test levels cause i was still augmented by the clomid. e2 was normal, FSH and LH were normal, but test was 504 which is not acceptable for a guy in his early 20s (yes im stupid for using anabolics to this level at such a young age but hey you live and you learn, i fucked myself up). i was really upset but i thought theres still hope. a month later i went to get bloods again. FSH and LH were completely normal, e2 was good, total test was 490. those are not the type of numbers i want at age 22, say what you want i dont give a fuck. those are shit test levels.

i tried addressing the issue the right way by going to some doctors. i told them exactly what i did in the past and what i did to recover. they told me thats almost the exact recovery protocol they would have given to me. they took my blood and again my total test was between 480 - 510. they said a 22 year old should be in the 650-700ng/dl zone on average and sometimes even up to 800. however, my case of hypogonadism is not severe by any means, severe being sub-300, so he refused to prescribe me anything. he said i am sorry, but you are in the low side of normal... but normal.

also, i dont mean to scare you, but since i came off i was on a rollercoaster of emotions it was hell. depression, anxiety, chronic feelings of emptiness, etc etc. i just didnt feel right. i decided that i dont want to live my life feeling like this with test levels of a 50 year old male, so i finally decided to put myself on regular TRT @ 150-250mg a week and haven't looked back since. maybe in a couple years i'll get a real script.

when i was 19 i was dead set on using steroids but if i could go back, i should have just messed with growth hormone and insulin, but i cant say i fully regret it because i will always have that edge over the next guy from every aspect.
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how old are you? i was on for 2 years once, blasting and cruising, and i came off. i made a recovery but my numbers were not where i wanted them to be.

2 weeks before i came off i was doing 250iu hcg 5x a week which is 1250iu a week total. then i came off, and kept on the same HCG protocol for another 2 weeks. waited 5 days and then started clomid @ 100mg ED and nolva 40mg ED. couldn't handle the clomid that high so i cut both doses in half after about 10 days or so. stayed on clomid and nolva for a total of 4 weeks. got bloods done right after finishing clomid and nolva, test came back 740 but e2 was really high i remember so i started taking some adex for a week to balance it out. FSH and LH were obviously both high because of the clomid.

4 weeks later i went to get bloods again because i knew that wasnt an accurate reflection of my test levels cause i was still augmented by the clomid. e2 was normal, FSH and LH were normal, but test was 504 which is not acceptable for a guy in his early 20s (yes im stupid for using anabolics to this level at such a young age but hey you live and you learn, i fucked myself up). i was really upset but i thought theres still hope. a month later i went to get bloods again. FSH and LH were completely normal, e2 was good, total test was 490. those are not the type of numbers i want at age 22, say what you want i dont give a fuck. those are shit test levels.

i tried addressing the issue the right way by going to some doctors. i told them exactly what i did in the past and what i did to recover. they told me thats almost the exact recovery protocol they would have given to me. they took my blood and again my total test was between 480 - 510. they said a 22 year old should be in the 650-700ng/dl zone on average and sometimes even up to 800. however, my case of hypogonadism is not severe by any means, severe being sub-300, so he refused to prescribe me anything. he said i am sorry, but you are in the low side of normal... but normal.

also, i dont mean to scare you, but since i came off i was on a rollercoaster of emotions it was hell. depression, anxiety, chronic feelings of emptiness, etc etc. i just didnt feel right. i decided that i dont want to live my life feeling like this with test levels of a 50 year old male, so i finally decided to put myself on regular TRT @ 150-250mg a week and haven't looked back since. maybe in a couple years i'll get a real script.

when i was 19 i was dead set on using steroids but if i could go back, i should have just messed with growth hormone and insulin, but i cant say i fully regret it because i will always have that edge over the next guy from every aspect.

Well the consequences of messing up with insulin can be death so I would say it's probably better you experimented with steroids at 19 over insulin.
I once ran a long cycle of 2 year and ran hcg and igf-1lr3 and recoverd great. My number were up and got my wife pregnant a few months later kept most of my gains for years to come.

Insulin is not for 19 year-olds. It can kill up if you screw up on the first injection. Miss understand measurement and 1 cc would kill you in 30 minutes. Steroids arent for kids. At 19 i weighed 170 at 6'
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Hcg is never pct. It is called pre-pct. Also, drop the nolva. Its a carcinogen and you Dont need it. The truth is time and real restorative sleep is the only thing that heals your body. The drugs simply make it easier because you shock your body way less because they are assisting your body.

It's okay, I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a uterus, which is the cancer risk from tamoxifen (nolva). SERMs do assist with recovery in that they start gnrh production in the hypothalamus.

I agree with rest being very beneficial though. :)