Advice needed!!! Thanks!

So I have a few questions for anyone that wants to help me out. I just wanted some diet advice regarding this meal plan I plan on trying out for a few months to get some solid slabs of muscle on. Im already 265, 6ft 3inches and around 17-18% Bodyfat, Basal metabolic rate on various websites tell me 3300-3700 depending on the site. Just curious about this diet, and was thinking about doing this:


6 Whole Eggs
Toast x2
Olive oil (pan lubrication)
Protein Shake (1 Scoop in water)

Totals: 920 Calories, 50g Fat (eggs and oil) 77g Protein.

Snack 1

Shake (3 scoops protein)
1 Cup oats, blended into shake

Totals: 1020 Calories, 15g Fat, 93 grams protein


2 Cans Tuna
4 slices whole wheat bread

Totals: 680 Calories, 6g Fat, 80g Protein

Snack 2

Shake (3 scoops protein)
1 Cup oats, blended into shake

Totals: 1020 Calories, 15g Fat, 93 grams protein



8oz chicken breast
400g of sweet potato

Totals: 580 Calories, 6g Fat, 54g Protein

Snack 3

1 Cup Cottage Cheese

Totals: 180 Cals, 28g Protein


4400 Calories

92g Fat

417g Protein

Just curious if there were any tips for improvement on this diet plan I was thinking about doing, I feel like there's not enough meat in there, or vegetables. Just wanna know what everyones opinion is. Thanks alot and hope to hear some good advice.
Go to 3js free diet advice thread read the first post tells you how to calculate bmr and tdee then post this but after reading bout 29 pages hes gunna tell loosthe bread/toast find better complex carbs eat real food before work out dont drink shake chicken sweet patato instead
hi, just check out stickies in this forum. you will find a lot of good suggestion of pros of this forum. i hate to read same thread again and again.
some of those macros seem very off..
for example the shake and the oats

shake 90g = 360 calories
1 cup oats usually 50g carbs= 200 calories
15g fat is rougly 140 calories

thats 700 calories.. where you getting the rest from??