Advice needed


New member
Hi there guys and gals, Iv been doing weight training for about a year now and made reasoanble gains during the period. I'm am naturally skinny (ectomorpth) and have found it difficult to put on any major size. I thought about anabolic steriods but decided to go for the legal option in the mean time atleast. So basically I'm looking for a combination of supplements to help me build size quickly. I'm currently eating about 4000 calories a day but I still cant seem to put on any decent size! I'v heard that Jungle Warfare is good to take, does anyone know of anthing else either to take with that or as a replacemnt fot JW. Would really appreciate some advice as I'm very much a noob. Cheers.
Bro i would stick to the basics for now instead of jumping into any designer steroids. Stick with some creatine and protein. Also post up your diet I have a feeling its not 4k calories, at that amount of food you should be growing.
Thanks for the response guys and you are right my diet varys each day and i do try to reach 4k a day although i do fail alot. I eat lots of nuts during work, 4 protein shakes a day, as well as 4 main meals and fruit. I try to eat lots of pasta per day.

I have been taking creatine and protein for a year and although i have made gains I just seem to have gotten stuck at a certain level for the past 2/3 months. I'm still what i consider to be skinny and not happy with it. I feel i need pro-hormones to get to the next level of strength and weight gain as I have noticed no growth in the past few months. Would Jungle Warfare be acceptable for these goals and would any1 recommend anything to stack that with? Cheers
Jungle warfare is not a ph at all. Honestly you would better going with something like fomradrol extreme and axis labs myodrol. Both are great test boosters and will give you an extra edge to push past your plateau.
thiss is what i rec you add to your daily thing.
*have 2-3 smoothings a day wach one with 50g whey protein, 25g oeatmeal, 1 banana, 2 tbs of peanutbutter and blend with milk or water.

*3-4g fishoild a day (id get pills)
* a good multi vitamin/m
* beta-alinane (take 1g 3-4 times a day a couple hrs apart)
* Creatine 5-8g ed (take like 4g preWO and 4 PostWO)
* 1-3g taurine ed

this should safely help you out man.

the protein powder and creatine you can finde at needto's place: Need To Build Muscle Inc.

PM me if you need help finding the rest for cheap also.