Advice on a beginner steroid cycle?


New member
I am 20 years old and I have been lifting weights for a year and a half now. I know all about macro nutrients and I have been lifting with all compound movements like overhead press dead lifts and squats and bench press and incline bench press. I started weightlifting with unrealistic standards so now I am un impressed with how my body looks. I realise that the only way to get to MY desired bodyfat and yet at the same time have muscle present is through AAS use. I know about PCT and how you should have that on hand before you even decide to think about ordering a steroid and I know that you should have blood work done and all of that I am very paranoid I research the potential side effects of things and what could go wrong before I consider them. Yet however I am no so worried about the side effects of AAS because they can all be mitigated if you are not stupid and follow proper procedures and have a nice PCT on hand. This would be my first steroid cycle and I was thinking about maybe starting out with some test 400-500mg to see if I could have any potential side effects come about from this. I am wondering what you guys think about this? I still live at home and if I did order some gear would I be taking a risk as far as my parents discovering the gear? or is it hidden under the package like most things that get shipped to your house like if I were to order a comb for example it would be concealed under the box itself. Do any of you guys have regrets? If you could stay natural would you have? My primary goal is just to be more aesthetic I want a better body a more lean body with the presence of muscle mass with a low body fat percentage ALL YEAR ROUND. And even more importantly your most important asset in life is time, time is something you can never get back no matter how much money you lose you can make it again but time.... time just keeps going until you die. Why would I wait 10 years until I am 30 to have the body of my dreams when I could have it in 2 years through AAS use with proper PCT and following necessary precautions please inform me what you guys think.
I am 20 years old and I have been lifting weights for a year and a half now. I know all about macro nutrients and I have been lifting with all compound movements like overhead press dead lifts and squats and bench press and incline bench press. I started weightlifting with unrealistic standards so now I am un impressed with how my body looks. I realise that the only way to get to MY desired bodyfat and yet at the same time have muscle present is through AAS use. I know about PCT and how you should have that on hand before you even decide to think about ordering a steroid and I know that you should have blood work done and all of that I am very paranoid I research the potential side effects of things and what could go wrong before I consider them. Yet however I am no so worried about the side effects of AAS because they can all be mitigated if you are not stupid and follow proper procedures and have a nice PCT on hand. This would be my first steroid cycle and I was thinking about maybe starting out with some test 400-500mg to see if I could have any potential side effects come about from this. I am wondering what you guys think about this? I still live at home and if I did order some gear would I be taking a risk as far as my parents discovering the gear? or is it hidden under the package like most things that get shipped to your house like if I were to order a comb for example it would be concealed under the box itself. Do any of you guys have regrets? If you could stay natural would you have? My primary goal is just to be more aesthetic I want a better body a more lean body with the presence of muscle mass with a low body fat percentage ALL YEAR ROUND. And even more importantly your most important asset in life is time, time is something you can never get back no matter how much money you lose you can make it again but time.... time just keeps going until you die. Why would I wait 10 years until I am 30 to have the body of my dreams when I could have it in 2 years through AAS use with proper PCT and following necessary precautions please inform me what you guys think.

your want to wait till your at least 25 more research is needed check out the stickies here
Welcome. ! Always when you post a cycle give all your stats, age , ht , wt , BF% as close as you can. There is a picture chart some where or ask someone to post it so you can judge yourself.

You are too young and if you read all the sticky's you will learn. Your body is still growing and you don't want to shut your Test down as AAS will. Your natural Test level should be high enough to workout for another 5 years with your natty until you reach your natural potential in witch you are no where close.

Workout and diet and you will gain more than you know. You also don't have enough bas muscle in 1-1/2 or even 2 years training. The vets will chime in I been around with AAS since 80's
Good luck , listen and read

Oh a helpful hint. Look at how the others post a cycle and copy. Please break your LONG post into little paragraphs so it is easier to read. Thanks
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I re-read your first post. This is the same, what did you not understand? Do you think we don't know what we are doing. Why would what we said would change. We speak the truth and so our suggestions and advice doesn't change. Ya know if you speak the truth it doesn't change.
Now pleas go read and research then come back and we will entertain knowledgeable Q's to explain what you do not understand. All us vets are sincere about what we say to help you.
I only got as far as "I'm 20 years old" and stopped reading. We're not being jerks when we say wait until you're older. Start gear now and by age 30 you're going to bed pinning loads of stuff to try and gain just a few pounds. You're not done making good young gains yet man.

I can recommend some good supplements though in the mean time.
I just read some more. Yes I do have regrets. I wish I wouldn't have tried my first PH cycle at 22. And I wish I wouldn't have been so undisciplined when I ran my first test cycle. Pumped all that sht through my body and hardly saw any good from it because I was too busy partying every night and half assing my workouts.
I only got as far as "I'm 20 years old" and stopped reading. We're not being jerks when we say wait until you're older. Start gear now and by age 30 you're going to bed pinning loads of stuff to try and gain just a few pounds. You're not done making good young gains yet man.

I can recommend some good supplements though in the mean time.
What supplements would you reccomend?
All I got for you is a good multiple vitamin, complete B complex, and B-12 Methycobalmin, NOT Cyanacobolamin. The Cyanacobolamin is what you find everywhere on the shelves. Go to a health food store and get it.

Of course protein powder in milk or juice. For calories I do milk and eggs and a banana.

The other vets are more on top of the general supplements for working without AAS. Good Luck and stick with us and let us know what's up and how it is going with gains etc...

We are always here to help.
You should really try to,hold off until your 25yr . You don't want to ,shut down you natural test.take a good multi vitamin. Take creatine, and eat ,eat,eat. Foodadrol, is the best thing you can take right now!